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^^When you're so cool you read the story backwards^^

Delirious' pov
I made my way to my spot under the tree outside school. I always sat here in the mornings while I waited for everyone to show up. I showed up over an hour before school started and it was quiet cold during winter but it was better than home really. Dad has been trying to get me to help him more but I don't want to. I still have to though but I leave early in the morning so I don't have to deal with him telling me 'how proud he was that I was following in his footsteps'. I hated it.

But the cold peaceful mornings helped my mind settle and focus on the good things... mostly. The situation with Luke and Evan has been on my mind an awful lot and I couldn't figure it out. One second their fighting the next their joking and standing up for each other. I just don't get it. What even caused them to fight?

A new thought rose and made my anger rise with it. Both Luke and Evan have had a lot of girls try to ask them out lately and I don't like it. I know it's a selfish way to think but seeing them with some one else makes me feel... jealous. And it's with both of them. I still don't know who I like more between the two.

As I got more lost in my thoughts time seemed to speed up and soon people started arriving at the front gates. I zoned back into reality as Tyler approached me, wearing his iconic shirt but Mini's jacket... what have they been up to?

"Hey Del. Ah, someone wanted me to give you this?" He said, handing me a piece of paper.

"Okay? Who was it?" I asked, taking the note with confusion.

"They didn't want me to tell you. No idea why," he said with a shrug. I frowned and unfolded the note, reading the printed words with interest.

Hey. Meet at the movies at the mall on Saturday. Everything will be explained then.

I frowned at the paper before looking back at Tyler to see he was talking to Mini already. I read the note again with more confusion than before. Who is this person that wants to meet up with me? How do I know they aren't going to try something with me? Should I go or play it safe not knowing who they are?

I continued to think about the note as I headed to class. I sat next to Bryce and Ohm again but didn't talk to them. I just sat there and thought in silence. I was trying to figure out who it could be that gave that note to me. I wouldn't be able to figure it out through handwriting because it was printed so who is it?

"You alright there buddy?" Luke asked as we walked to Art. I hadn't noticed he'd walked up to me and kinda jumped at his sudden voice but relaxed when I saw it was him, although some tension remained.

"Oh ah. I'm just thinking about a note Tyler gave me. I don't know who it was originally from and I'm not sure if I should do as it says," I said truthfully.

"What did it say?" Luke asked but he seemed as if he knew something.

"It wanted me to go to the movies at the mall on Saturday but I don't think I will since I don't know them," I said with a frown. Luke's lips twitched and he looked ahead of him and away from me.

"Well, I can understand that but you never know, maybe it's just someone wanting to get to know you or it's just Tyler trying to find a weird way of getting you out of the house for once. You've been helping your dad with whatever forever," Cartoonz said. My eyes widened a little behind my mask and I looked away from him.

"I've just been busy okay," I said quietly. Luke frowned but nodded.

"Well, you do whatever you want to do. If you don't show up and the person's committed, you never know. Maybe they might approach you in person," he said, opening the door for me. I thanked him and stepped inside. Vanoss was already at the desk getting everything out. A girl with him.

I felt a ping in my stomach and a tug at my heart as she kissed his check. His eyes were hidden behind his glasses but the way his head pulled away told me he didn't feel very comfortable about the situation. It didn't stop me from feeling jealous all the while though.

I walked over to the table with Cartoonz and glared at the female through my mask. Luke and Evan ignored her as they shared a conversation as she continued to try to mess with Evan's hair.

I waited until Luke and Evan moved away to collect the project itself before the girl finally looked my way. As soon as she did her face dropped and her skin turned pale under her makeup. She quickly walked away and I let my expression relax. I sat in my seat and pulled my sketching book out, turning to the page I'd drawn the teddy bear model.

"Oh hey Delirious. Thank god that girls gone. She was kinda making me feel uncomfortable," Evan said, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"I could tell. Why are all the girls suddenly all over you two?" I decided to ask. They chuckled lightly and smiled at me.

"Actually, they've always been like that. There just happen to be a short break around the time you showed up. For a while I was hoping it would last. Clearly it isn't," Luke explained. I nodded and went back to our work.

I continued to think about everything. Luke and Evan fighting. All the girls that keep flirting and touching them. That note. Should I go or no? Maybe I will go but wear something... different.

High school troubles (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now