◈Prolouge: Rewritten◈ "Disconnected"

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This was too much for a five year old to process.


The wine bottle shattered in a million pieces as it connected to the elegantly tiled floor.

"THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR WOMAN!" The man yelled at the woman in front of them who was holding a bag filled with clothes. The husband and wife were locked in a fierce battle of staring. Both radiating their own bloodlust.  Both with their own drives to fight for their own ideals. Not wiling to back down.

He had no idea what was happening.

"YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAS GONE FAR! I'M SICK OF YOU!" The woman yelled with as much venom as possible. She looked straight at the man's eyes as if the was looking straight into his soul. Oh how she wished this man could melt into a puddle with her stare.

Behind the couch in corner of the room sat two sobbing children. Both held on to each other like a lifeline. They were scared. Being the children they are, they should be. The confusion, the violence, this was nothing like the sweet smiles and tingling laughter they usually hear from their parents.

It was supposed to be a happy Christmas.

With trembling hands the younger sibling grasped her brother's shirt tightly. "Onii-chan... I'm scared. What is happening?" The girl asked her older brother unable to contain her sobs. Three years old, just a fresh todler. How could one expose such chaos to a child?

The boy did not answer, instead he tightened his hold on his sister, his little princess. He did not know what was happening. But what he knew was that he needed to protect his sister. He needed to. He must.

What happened to all the smiles and laughter thay shared? The music that once filled the house was replaced with loud shouts of anger.

The girl sobbed louder as she buried her face in her brother's chest. She was scared. Scratch that, she was terrified. They were not used to their parents fighting. Father was always a gentle man and mother was an angel's advocate.

Where have all those times gone?

The boy had no idea on how to calm his sister down. His own hands were shaking and were cold as ice. "Please stop crying Hime-chan. Daddy might hear you and might hurt you." He whispered in her sisters ear. "Don't worry. I will protect you."

She tried to restrain her tears with much effort. Once recovered she whispered again. "I'm scawed..." He looked at his precious little sister and wiped her tearstained face.

He could feel his own body vibrate from fear. He tried to act tough for his terrified sister even he was frightened himself. But he was still, also, a child.

It was as if the sweet music was comming to an stop. Ending with an ominous tune.

"I am too. I'm scared too hime-chan. But we need to be strong for now."

Suddenly they heard a groan of pain form their father. They took a peek from behind the couch and saw their father sprawled on the ground clutching his stomach. Before the situation could sink in the siblings their mother urgently called them.

"Children! Hurry up! Let's go!" She called on for her children who easily complied. The three ran for the door with their father,  who had just recovered from his wife's punch,  hot on their heels.

"YOU WON'T GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING YOU DO!" The man shouted to his fleeing wife and children as he hurled objects towards them. The two children could barely dodge the objects due to their small builds. At one point the father was able to get hold on a wine bottle as they passed the kitchen. He threw the bottle at the direction of his wife who easily dodged the incoming object. The bottle broke as soon as it connected to the hard mahogany floor. The man just picked it up anyway and started chasing them with it.

The siblings have never been more afraid in their whole life. They held each others hand while running along the long halls of their manor, crying all the way. What a good Christmas this turned out to be. They had their psychotic father chasing after them with a broken wine bottle. How unfortunate for them that all the manor's staff went home at night. No one was there to help them.

"FASTER CHILDREN!" Their mother encouraged them. They were almost at the front door when the father managed to catch up and grabbed the little girl. She cried louder as her father pulled her roughly.

"NO ONE WILL LEAVE TONIGHT! WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY WOULD THINK IF MY OWN PRIZED POSSESSIONS LEFT ME?" He shouted out to his wife pointing the broken bottle in his hands to her as if it were a sword.

And with this, the thread of harmony that tied them together...

"You are really twisted." The mother scoffed, although internally she was trembling. "Do you think I care about their opinions? I am not some trophy for you to brag about! I am not a prize! You children are not bonuses! We were never your possessions! We should be a family!"

"We are! But we soon won't be if you step out of that door!"


"Then by all means, leave woman! But leave the children with me!"

"Like hell I would!" On her mother's signal, the little girl bit her father's arm as hard as she can. This action made the man drop her down. She scrambled to her mother and brother but was held off by her father who had his hands on her hair.

"Let go of her you lunatic!" Her mother yelled at her father half pleading for him to let go of the innocent child.

The boy could no longer take seeing his little sister struggle. So with all the strength he could muster he ran and kicked his father in the groin which made him fall to the ground.

"Mommy! Hime-chan! Run! I'll hold him back!" He yelled to his precious mother and sister.

"No Onii-chan!" The mother and daughter yelled as she saw her father toss her brother to the ground after he recovered.

"HOW DARE YOU!" The man yelled as he punched the young boy in the face.

"RUN! GO!" He yelled with all the strength he had after the punch.

Their mother held back her tears and carried her daughter and their luggage in her hands and ran out for dear life.

"Onii-chan NOOOO!" was the last thing the boy heard from his sister before everything went black.

... has snapped.


So I barely edited this chapter. Is it still considered a rewrite? I don't exactly know how this works. Lol

I hope you guessed right on which character is which. I made them as obvious as possible. So yeah...

Thank you for reading! Mallowchan out! PEACE!

Disconnected Harmonies [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now