◈Chapter 20◈ "Closing of the first Chapter"

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He could hear the clock as it ticked by. How long has it been since he had been this way? His stomach was smearing in pain. He felt like it was twisted, straightened and ripped apart. His eyes burned begging for rest, eyelids automatically closing and forcefully opening. His head felt like ten bricks are above it.

He messed up. He messed up big time. Funny how the people you trust will be the ones who will betray you in the end. And it felt worse than the physical torture he is having. Wait, worse? What worse? What felt worse than his current injuries. Where was he anyway? From the looks of it, he is in his office.

What was he doing here again? Oh right, he was supposed to get something when… when…

What happened to him? He was supposed to get something… something important. Today is a special day. What day is it again? It’s rather cold. Perhaps he forgot to turn on the heater? No. It’s snowing outside. If he remembers correctly, it should be December.

And today is a special day. Christmas? No, Christmas was a few days ago. It’s December. What other special day was today? Oh… he remembers. It’s someone’s birthday. Someone very important to him is having his birthday.

Just a few inches away from him laid a box wrapped in gold paper and a white ribbon tied to it. A present? For who? The birthday celebrant? Who was it again?

It can’t be his wife, she’s already dead. At least, that’s what the man said. He said he is a bastard for ruining her life. Does he have siblings? But none of his siblings don’t have birthdays in December. So who? Who was so important that he had to get something in his office and got into this mess for?

“L…e…n” His weak voice resonated the room as he read the gift tag. Len… Len… LEN! Yes! It’s Len! Len is his son. Len had his birthday today. The present was supposed to be his! Len is his son. And that man also wants to hurt his son.

Len… no… He can’t be hurt. It’s too painful. Len can’t be hurt like him. He has to get out of here. He has to warn Len. They want to hurt him too. No! Len is his son. He will protect him! No matter the cost. Len will stay safe. He hurt Len so he could be safe! Now they are going to hurt him more. No more. No one will hurt Len anymore! He promises to be a better father to him. He promises never to be harsh anymore. He promises to be calm. Just please! Please let Len be safe.

Fukase flipped his body over and crawled on the floor. His body racked in pain, but he chooses to rndure it. He need to find Len. He needs to protect him. “L…en…”

All of a sudden, the door to his office opened up. Did the man come back to kill him? No he need to go to Len! He needs to protect him. And no one else would stop him.

“L…en…” He said weakly, almost like a prayer. Willing his strength to come back and fight whoever is behind that door. And he is ever so thankful to see a familiar blond at the door followed by his wife.

“Fuku!/Fukase!” The two simultaneously yelled in shock, to see their friend writhe in pain, crawling on the floor like an animal.

“What happened to you? Who did this?” Rinto yelled at him as he scooped up the dying readhead in his arms. He was supposed to knock him senseless, not watch him die! He scanned the man’s body. It was littered with cuts and bruises, a deep flesh wound on his stomach, clearly made by a knife.


“Don’t talk you idiot! I’m taking you to the hospital!”

“L..en… Sa..fe… Len… s-so..rry…” Tears filled Fukase’s eyes as he choked on his own blood. He can’t die now. Not while Len is still in danger.

“Please, Please don’t talk. I’ll take care of your son. I’ll keep him safe. But now we need to get you to a hospital. Screw secret identities. You are not dying on us now! You hear that… You definitely… can’t… die!” Rinto and Lenka could not stop the tears to flow from their eyes. All his life, Fukase pretended to be the villain, but the truth is, he was always the one protecting them, keeping them safe. Now that man is reduced to nothing more than a bag of flesh on his last breaths.

Why did it have to end like this? Damn them. Damn all of them!

“Rin…to…” Fukase called to his weeping friend. “Take… care… tell Len… I’m sorry.”

And with that.

Len’s father died.


Rin had no idea what she has gotten into. Just a few moments ago, she decided to separate from her parents and sister to find Len. She was excited of the chance to be able to see him again, despite seeing him earlier. But now, he was nowhere in sight. And how would he be able to talk to her in this crowd. He’s the host of the party, of course people would flock him, and his father for that matter.

Len’s father, what was he like? When he was described to her he sounded like a lunatic, a monster. But despite Len telling her that he is abused, he never explained why he was putting up with him in the first place. He obviously loves his father despite everything. He wouldn’t be reluctant to tell her about it in the first place. It was probably hard for Len to tell it to other people.

(At this point, you might want to play the video on top. Or find the song traceless star. It might be familiar to the fans of Piano Tiles though. Obviously, I don’t own the song.)
The soft playing of the piano distracted her from her thoughts. She was adequately knowledgeable with classical music because of her family’s business as music store owners, knowing a majority of the popular songs and might have heard more than a few at least once or twice. She was familiar with the iconic pieces of Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, and even Yiruma, but she was sure that this piece was neither of their works. Yet she found this piece alluring, yet familiar at the same time.

It wasn’t like anything she has heard before. The piece sounded a bit like an amateur’s work to the trained ear. She wouldn’t know about that though. She just heard it from the guy next to her. But to Rin, it sounded so much more. She felt the emotions run through the song.

Daring herself, she closed her eyes. Rin suddenly found herself in the middle of a wide field, under thousands and thousands of stars. In the horizon stood the person she longed to see. The person she sought after.

She felt her feet move towards the person. Reaching her hand out to reach him. His back was turned against her, walking away. Each step she took was futile. She tried to run. She tried to reach out further. But he was too out of her reach. Then someone took her by the hand and raced after the person with renowned vigor. She and the one who pulled her ran faster, faster than she ever did before. They were almost near the person. Just a little more.

But the one who held her hand let go, letting her run on her own. She ran, she was so close. But the was stopped by the emptiness on her hand. She looked back to see where the one who helped her went, only to see that he disappeared.

“Onii-san.” The person was almost out of sight now. And who would she choose.

At this time, Rin opened her eyes. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was the familiar face of a certain blond pianist. She found herself walking towards him in a trance. Completely under the spell of his music.

Len finished the song with a contented smile. Slowly he faced Rin. He didn’t mind the applause of the people around them. He didn’t mind if all eyes were on him. At the moment, his attention was hers and hers alone.

All of a sudden the lights went out and the fireworks started. It was magical. The fireworks looked like flowers in the sky. It was like she was under the star-filled field again. But this time the one who helped her was beside her, holding her hand.

She was sure the people around her felt the magic too. After Len’s performance, the fireworks seemed more magical. It was enchanting. She felt so happy at the moment. Though they were not exactly beside each other, it was enough for her. She knew that Len was near, and he wasn’t going away. After this spectacular display, she would make sure to compliment him.

The euphoria lasted for a few minutes. 

All she knew when the lights went back on was that Len wasn’t where she last saw him.

And like a mirage, he disappeared.

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