◈ Chapter 19◈ "Letter A"

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All was back to normal, much to Rin’s disappointment. With Len leaving their house, Rin was about to retreat to her bedroom but was stopped by her mother. Who was currently flipping a letter over with knitted eyebrows.

“Rin! Iroha! Get your formal asses ready because we are going to a party in an hour!” Lenka shouted enthusiastically to her two daughters.

“AN HOUR!” As soon as the two ladies heard their mother’s announcement, the two refuted back a myriad of complains. Rinto, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire, took the initiative of claiming the bathroom first.

Rin ran to her room to get a towel while simultaneously shouting at her mother who is in her room looking for something suitable to wear. “Mind have told it a bit sooner? What the heck are we supposed to wear? Loincloths?”

“Be my guest young lady! That is, if you want your boyfriend to see you in such inappropriate clothing?” Lenka shouted from their room, taking out a long turquoise sleeveless dress with blue ink designs at the bottom with a princess cut neckline and a blue scarf and white gloves.

Iroha fished out her favorite peach sakura patterned cocktail dress and matching heels. The dress was sleeveless and had a cute princess neckline. Sakura flowers decorated the bottom. ‘’When did we get invited to one? How did we get invited to one?”

“Just five minutes ago an old friend told us to attend his son’s birthday party at their mansion. Now get your asses into shape and start moving!”

This was actually a normal situation for the small family of four. But Rinto guesses that he will never get used to it.


"So, how did you get an invitation to this party again okaa-san?” Iroha impatiently asked, twirling her dress between her right index and middle finger, a trait she picked up when she is being impatient. She stared at her mother who was calculatingly observing the people around them as if she expected someone to whip out a machine gun and scream bloody murder or something simillar, which is unlikely to happen.

Lenka took a sip from the wine glass in her hands, savoring the taste for a moment. She was alone with Iroha at the moment as Rin decided to find Len as soon as she entered the mansion and Rinto was pulled off by a few people he knew.

“Fukase-kun was a past associate of mine. He must want something from me to call me now of all times.” Accepting the answer, Iroha nodded and chose to stay silent.


Shielded from the scrutinizing eyes of the public, Rinto opened the envelop that was handed to him by a caterer, discretely of course. This was the usual protocol every time he needed their help. And just like Lenka, he was confused about their sudden call. Their red haired associate barely talks to them unless necessary. Rinto knows that he understands their decision to live a peaceful life. So he knows, for whatever reason they were called in was bound to be important.

The card was simple enough. Just a flimsy piece of paper placed inside a small white envelope. Definitely not eye catching, which was the whole purpose of its appearance. The message itself was short and straight to the point, which means it is really urgent for obvious reasons. But reading this simple message made his blood run cold and immediately understood why he and his wife were called.

He found us. All of us. And he is out for blood. Do not get out of the shadows till the lights go out. Stay safe.

Rinto crumpled the piece of paper in his hands before tearing it to shreds in anger. Damn it all. It was too soon. Their plan just fell down before they could even put up a decent foundation.

And now, the lives of his friend and his son’s lived were on the line.

Rinto was frustrated to the core. So the reason him and his family were called in was so they could escape. No way. Just no way in hell.

‘What the heck is this Fuku?!’ Rinto reeled in anger as he searched for his associate who seemed to be out of sight for the night. He might even have asked his men to take care of their house as they speak.

‘There is no way I would accept your martyr heroic acts while you and your son roll in the dirt.’

Lenka saw her husband pacing angrily in her peripheral vision. Leaving her glass of wine on the tray of a startled waiter she followed him. Iroha on the other hand was confused with what was happening.

She tried to get her mother’s attention. “Okaa---”

“Go find your sister. I have to go somewhere.” Lenka cut her off. Albeit confused, Iroha complied without question.

The blonde beauty effortlessly caught up with her raging husband in a grace befitting of her occupation. “What did he have to say.”

Rinto clicked his tongue disapprovingly in annoyance. “Said we are at risk and he’s at a no clear zone. Also, we should run while we can.”

Lenka’s eyes widened a fraction. “Then…”

“Yes.” Rinto declared with a fire in his eyes. Determined to find his friend and affirm his statement. He knows that he doing so is such a large risk to their side. “I’m going to find that idiot and beat some sense into him.”

The couple strode into the halls of the mansion before they slid into the darkness.



Len was left speechless with what he was seeing. Could it be? After all these years?

Kaii was beside him in an instant. The ravenette was annoyed being left alone like that, but he was also curious at what caught his indifferent friend’s attention.

“Hime?” A smirk formed on his lips as he glanced at the object of Len’s focus. “Well that’s a nice nickname for your girlfriend?”

A look of disbelief faced Kaii as if he was crazy. “Girlfriend?” Len almost yelled out.

“Yeah. Ain’t Rin lovely in that dress.”

Len’s head whipped to her direction so fast that Kaii was almost sure that he’s snap his neck because of the momentum.

“So, she’s pretty right? Just like a princess.”

Rin’s dress was simple enough. It was just a baby blue halter necked cocktail dress that stopped below her knee. But the way she brought herself was as if a princess was indeed standing in her place. She looked like she belonged in the crowd yet alone in the sea of people.

The moment she locked her gaze with Len, it was as if the world stopped for a moment. It was like all the people didn't matter.

He was genuinely upset that he didn't get to see his sister. But the substitute wasn't bad either. That made him wonder, who invited her to the party? It surely wasn't him. So, did his father invite her?

"You're staring." Kaii suddenly whispered into his ear.

Hiding a blush, Len silently yelled at his best friend, not wanting to gain the attention of the guest around them. "You gay! I am not!"

“Why don’t you try to get her attention?”


Kaii’s smile spelled disaster for Len.

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