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"Nina, 2 beef stroganoff for table no. 8." Nina's mom shouted from the kitchen. She grabbed a serving tray and placed the dish.

The restaurant is so full these days. Its graduation season in America and people celebrate in restaurants.

Nina successfully delivered the food and slightly ran towards the counter to serve more people.

She has coworkers and they do jobs equally there but if someone messes up, Nina would be the one to blame. Its because she's in the higher rank.

Throughout her whole shift, her phone kept vibrating in her pants pocket.

"Finally! Were done!" Lizzy exclaimed as she takes off her apron and sots on one of the seats.

Lizzy works with me here. I told her that she doesn't have to but she insisted. I can't fight with her at work.

"Nina, how you doing?" Lizzy asked a weird-looking Nina. She kept walking back and forth.

She stopped walking and sat in front of Lizzy.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. That's all."

Lizzy just nodded and glanced at the wall clock across them.

"Oh..." She face palmed herself.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to feed my cats. Gotta go." Then, Lizzy ran out in the speed of light.

She was all alone there and its pretty late too.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

[Yo Nina!]

"Don't say that. You don't have swag."

[Why are you like that? Anyways, how are you there?]

"Just finished work. You?"

[Nothing happened. I feel alone. There's nobody here to bother at all!]

"Why don't you bother your brother?"

[He rarely comes home because of training.]

"What about your mother? Your father?"

[I can't even go in dad's office! Mom, on the other hand, is so busy being a manager.]

"You are alone!"

[I want you to be here!]

[Wait. Do you still talk to that pen pal of yours?]

"Yeah why?"

[Have you seen his face yet?]

You did.

"No why?"

[Awh. Why not?]

What should I say?

"He's busy. He has work right?"

[Oh okay.]

While they were talking, Nina had managed to close all the lights and locked all doors.

Now she is riding the subway home.

[Is he that busy?]

Ask your brother on how busy they are.

"Apparently. He doesn't chat sometimes. I understand."

[I don't. Nobody can be so busy that he can't send like maybe a selfie or something.]

"I want to tell him that!"

I really want to. I really want to say that to him.

[Are you home?]

"On the way there."

[On the subway?]


[Uhm what did I tell you?!]

"To not use phones in subways because you might miss your stop. Yes mom."

[Okay bye!]

She placed her phone in her bag and looked around.

That day, she rode 2 trains.

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