405 23 5

8:00 am

unknown no.: hello Nina!

Nina: who's this?

unknown no.: oh I forgot to introduce myself lol

unknown no.: its me Wonpil ;)

Nina: Wonpil oppa?! How'd you get my no.?!

Wonpil: oh i asked Hanna ;)

Wonpil: hope you don't mind!

Nina: its fine oppa... so what's up?

Wonpil: nothing much...

Wonpil: I decided to talk to you because im so lonely here :'(

Nina: awh why? where's your little bro?

Wonpil: are you talking abt Dowoon? Uhm yeah he's sick...

Nina: awh poor makdongie! :'(

Wonpil: im getting the feeling that you like Dowoon...

Nina: he's cute af >o<

Wonpil: so am I!

Nina: lol ok you win

Nina: but seriously tho why text me?

Niña: there's your group you know

Wonpil: I wanna know you more!

Wonpil: bc it seems like you're really close with the hyungs...

Wonpil: and Young K hyung talked abt you when we went to buy some snacks | delete

Nina: I want to talk to you too!

Nina: if it wasn't for Dowoon, then I would have...

Wonpil: Dowoon? He's talking to you?!

Nina: yup!

Nina: he asked for my no. lol

Wonpil: wow he's fast he's even faster than me

Wonpil: how did he do that?

Niña: he asked me so casually tho like >o<

Wonpil: ok stop I know Dowoon is cute and all but

Wonpil: im not chatting with you for talking abt him

Nina: why you jealous that I didn't call you cute oppa?

Wonpil: no

Nina: you're my qtpie | delete

Nina: the reason y I don't call you cute is because

Niña: its weird to call a visual cute...

Wonpil: ?????

Nina: I'm saying that you're handsome oppa

Wonpil: wow

Wonpil: im very satisfied with your answer

Wonpil: I am a visual after all lol

Nina: yes you are ;)

Wonpil: okay so uhm...

Nina: you can't think of any other questions?

Wonpil: uh yeah

Wonpil: its been a long time since I texted somebody like this

Wonpil: I just meet up with them and talk for hours... but in texts, I'm awkward AF.

Niña: you're doing great tho

Wonpil: really?

Wonpil: Jae hyung was right about you

Wonpil: you are really fun to talk to :)

Jae talked about me? Why though?

Wonpil: wait can I ask?

Nina: you're already asking

Wonpil: so is that a yes?

Nina: is that your question?

Wonpil: ok im confused

Nina: no I am

Wonpil: should I ask you?

Nina: oppa!

Wonpil: okay jeez

Wonpil: how did you know Jae hyung?

Nina: oh Hanna's my best friend

Wonpil: oh that's why...

Nina: why what's wrong?

Wonpil: nothing its just that I always hear your name coming from his mouth you know

Nina: uhhh

Wonpil: oh I have to go Nina. Nice talking to you!

Nina: um okay oppa bye!

seen by Wonpil.

Why is he talking about me? Am I just naive or smth?


BTW, these texts are in different days...

I just proofread some stuff... And I just notice on how awkward the texts are...

Please understand that I don't normally text irl lol

Sad me :'(

I don't chat a lot unlike Nina here

Still crying lol :'(

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