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7:34 am

@jae92: good morning to you!

@jae92: you must be sleeping... still sleeping...

@jae92: I must be bothering you

@jae92: it looks like I'm not stopping lol

@ninimin: stahp I'm busy.....

@jae92: busy doing what??

@ninimin: secrettt lol ^_^

@jae92: but I wanna know!

@ninimin: you'll know soon

@jae92: awh why?

@ninimin: secrettt >o<

@jae92: alr fine ;)

Nina is actually with Lizzy on their way to Music Bank and she doesn't want Jae to know...

And I possibly don't want to meet them today. I feel ominous af. And besides they won't notice me. I'm just a part of the audience.

Little did Nina know, they will actually stay inside the building. By the dressing rooms, where the idols performing today will stay.

"Uhh. Are we really supposed to stay here?" Nina said as she entered a dressing room.

"Yes. Now sit down and don't worry." Lizzy pulled her to sit down at the couch.

Suddenly, the door opened and her cousin, Jenna, with another girl entered.

"Hello. I'm Mara, nice to meet you." She shook hands with Nina.

"Lizzy you already know what to do here." Mara tapped her shoulder.

"I'll get going. My members are here." As soon as she said that, her group members came in.

She's in a group called Double M and they haven't debuted but Mara is one of the hosts. The rest just went with her.

"Why don't you tour Nina around?" Another member named Yunhwa, talked to Lizzy. Nina is mentally shaking her head.

I want to stay here and go home afterwards.

Nina was then pulled out of the room by Lizzy. They are allowed to roam around because of the pass that she has.

"Okay. Where should we go first?" Lizzy clasped her hands together and looked at Nina with a weird look.

"Are we allowed to do this?"

"Of course. Just as long as you calm down and keep quiet." Lizzy held her shoulders and shook her lightly.

"Do you know where to go?"

"I know where the cafeteria is, the stage, the bathroom, and I also know who is staying in each of those dressing rooms." She said as she smirked at Nina, who was obviously worried.

"There's no reason for that."

"What do you mean? We won't go in there. Well go to the stage by the audience with Mara's members." Then all of Mara's members got out of the room and led them to the stage.

"Okay. I specifically told you to calm down!" She half-whispered, half-shouted at Nina, who was continuously fiddling her fingers.

"Stop doing that to her! She'll calm down eventually." Hanna slapped Lizzy by the shoulder and laughed. Then they focused at the stage again.

Oh yeah. Hanna came after we got here.

Suddenly, another group came on stage. Nina was so busy with her phone so she didn't notice until Lizzy tapped her shoulder continuously.

"Nina! Look! Nina!" With her continuous tapping, she looked up and saw them on stage.

They look soooo handsome tho.

Nina saw one of the members looking around. He stopped and looked at their direction.

Hanna, why do you shine so brightly in their eyes?

That must be Sungjin.

Then, he talked to Jae. Then Jae looked and saw them.

Ugh. Look down. Look down.

Then all of the members looked at their direction and smiled. Hanna bowed and waved at them. Nina and Lizzy just smiled.

Nina felt stares on her. She looked around and saw Young K not even looking at her.

There is something wrong.

Then she saw Jae walking towards Young K and talked to him. He then looked up and greeted. Them he went back to fiddling with his guitar.

Should I talk to him later?

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