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"Earth to Nina!"

Nina snapped and hit Lizzy at the shoulder. Hanna kept laughing at them.

They started bickering with each other after the show because she looks like a tomato.

According to Sungjin...

"Shut up. You don't know what I've been through." Nina pouted and Lizzy and Hanna laughed.

"We saw everything. And everybody did too!" Lizzy exclaimed.

Nina suddenly widened her eyes.

"Were even talking about it." They continued laughing but Nina kept silent.

They saw everything. I didn't know. It doesn't matter, right?

Ugh why am I feeling this way?

They ordered some food and went back home to eat there. Throughout the trip, Nina never spoke. She felt nervous and guilty at the same time.

Is it right? I like Sungjin but its only been a few days.... But why do I feel like its been forever?

I want to ask them who saw it.

They sat down at the dining table and laid down the food that they ordered.

"You probably want to know who saw it right?" Hanna said. Nina nodded and ate more food.

"Its just Dowoon. I think."

Hey. Dowoon. Uhm. You're the cutest.

I think of him as an older brother. Its fine.

They all laughed when Nina nodded.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Here. Tissue." Turns out Nina had sauce by the side of her lips. She wiped it off and continued eating.

They finished eating and cleaned up. Nina went straight to her room and got ready to go to bed.

She sat on her bed and got her phone out of her bag.


She opened her messages.

Dowoon: hello Nina!

Nina: hello

Dowoon: uhm you sound so flat

Dowoon: you okay?

Nina: yeah I'm okay

Dowoon: oh maybe you're still shook tho

Nina: why would I be shook?

Dowoon: lol don't pretend that you don't know

Nina: >o<

Dowoon: actually I never seen hyung like that before

Nina: you havent because you didnt see anything...

Dowoon: are you avoiding it?

Dowoon: but tbh I think Sungjin hyung likes you

Nina: uhm how can you be so sure?

Nina: first of all he hasn't like said anything to me

Nina: second I'm confused af

Dowoon: don't be

Dowoon: maybe hyung is just concerned. he even talked to me about you being so red.

Dowoon: he just cares and that's any he's the leader

Nina: thanks Dowoon

Nina: I just don't know what will happen after this. honestly I don't think I can talk to you guys as much as I can last time.

Dowoon: why? btw, I'm the only one that knows and the other hyungs don't. Sungjin hyung said he doesn't want anybody to interfere and stuff.

Dowoon: he said it to me bc I'm kinda like your brother lol

Nina: what does he mean?

Dowoon: I can't explain. He should. I'm disrespecting him if I would. Let him do it.

Nina: oh okay

Nina: wait Sungjin thinks that your kinda like my brother?!

Dowoon: the feelings yes

Nina: lol

Nina: oppa I should go. you need rest.

Dowoon: you need rest more you know

Dowoon: I thought you were gonna faint a while ago lol

Nina: oppa stop

Nina: goodnight!

Dowoon: lol goodnight!

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