Chapter Three (still Thomas's POV)

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"Bro this party is frickin awesome!!!" Oscar said to Thomas. Making it clear he had one to many Mountain Dews. Oscar wasn't allowed to have soda at his house, so whenever he was at someone else's he had as many as he could. If you could overdose on sugar and caffeine, well lets just say Oscar wouldn't be doing very well.....

"Calm down, you're practically bouncing off the walls!" Thomas yelled over the insanely loud music blaring from the speakers that were seemingly everywhere.


If only you could be drunk off soda..... Thomas thought.

"Dude I REALLY gotta go pee, hold up." Oscar said as he dashed off to the bathroom upstairs.

As Oscar rushed off, Thomas directed his attention to look straight at Jack. Jack surprisingly was looking back. Thomas's eyes instantly grew 5 times the size they were. Butterflies flooded through his stomach. Jack gave a little smirk and whispered something in one of his teammate's, Sean's, ear. Sean gave Jack a jab in the ribs and maneuvered his girlfriend somewhere upstairs.

Well, they are juniors.... Thomas thought. Even though Thomas was only a sophomore he knew the upper graders did things like that all the time. It was normal and everyone did it, Christian high school or not. And parents think things are better at Christian schools, they are so very wrong.

"Hey, you look a little bit lonely." Jack said to Thomas.

"Uhhhhhh, yeah.... I mean....... ummmm....... my, uh, best friend just went to the bathroom...." Thomas replied nervously. Shit! Had he just said the wrong thing...... "But I mean, ummmm, if you wanna, ummmm, stay and keep me company I would love that......." But what if he isn't into you like you're into him.......

"Thanks for letting me stay." Jack said as cool as possible. "Your eyes are really big you know."

"Oh ummmmmm....." Thomas trailed off as his cheeks flushed red and he looked down at his shoes.

"It's kinda cute," Jack said. "You're pretty cute."

"Oh uhhhhhh, you're hot too........" As he said this, Thomas's cheeks flushed an even brighter red.

"Am I now?" Jack said with a chuckle as he turned to look at Thomas straight on. "Well... I don't even know your name, what is it?"

"Ummmmmmmmm, Thomas........" Thomas spoke with shaky words, not knowing how Jack might react or if he would even like his name.

"That's a cute name." Jack said as he smirked down at Thomas.

"You think so? I mean....... I know you're Jack....... everyone knows you......" Thomas said managing a small forced smile up at Jack.

"Well thats good I guess....." Jack said hesitantly. Then Jack did something unexpected.....

Jack put his hands on Thomas's hips, leaned down and gave him a brief kiss. Thomas stood dumbstruck, he didn't expect that. He didn't even expect Jack to come over and talk to him. This was all so new to him. Jack's voice was better than Thomas ever could have imagined. It was low, but still so smooth. Jack was Mexican, everyone knew that, but that made him even hotter to Thomas. Compared to Thomas, having one English and one Irish parent, Jack was A LOT more tan.

"Jack..... can you do that again?" Thomas asked still awed by the odd sensation of his lips tingling, quivering for more.

"I don't see why not," Jack said grinning, a stupid little grin.

Thomas stood on his tip toes this time and he put his arms around Jack's neck. Jack put his hands on Thomas's little love handles. To both of them, this kiss felt more real. It left them both wanting for more. It left them both hungering for another taste. They stayed in that position for maybe a minute until two girls strode up. Thomas recognized them almost instantly. They were both juniors also. Samantha and Sabrina. They had been best friends since the first day of Freshman year, or so was the rumor. They had bonded over one of their favorite childhood movies, although no one knew which one. They were the least dramatic and nicest girls out of the juniors, or so Thomas thought. Samantha and Sabrina were both kind of short. Sabrina shorter than Samantha. Oscar was just barely taller than Samantha, and he had a huge crush on her, as Thomas knew being best friends. Considering Jack was a few inches taller than Thomas, and Thomas was maybe an inch taller than Oscar, and Oscar was maybe 1/2 and inch taller than Samantha and an inch and a half taller than Sabrina.... they were all pretty close in height.

"We both saw that." Samantha said, "Don't worry we won't tell anybody."

"When did you guys show up?" Jack knew both of them pretty well since they were in the same friend group.

"A little while ago," Sabrina replied.

"Woah what's going on here? When did you get so popular Tom?" Oscar said as he jabbed Thomas in the ribs. "And when did you attract the cuties?" He said, winking at Samantha.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Sabrina asked gingerly, "And don't hit on my friend until you pass my inspection first!" She said as she gave him a dramatic wink back.

"Sorry...." Oscar mumbled.

"It's okay, you were really good on the wrestling team by the way." Sabrina directed at Oscar smirking ever so slightly.

"Thanks," Oscar said perking up. "So what did I miss?" He said smiling smugly and looking from Thomas to Jack.

"Yeah tell Oscar you two...." Samantha said edging on the conversation.


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