Chapter Seventeen (Thomas's POV)

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Thomas put his hand on the coffee shop door, and took a deep breath. He watched as the vapor from his breath turned into a cloud in front of his eyes. It was amazing how in a week it could go from perfect weather to cold. Thomas thought this was a bad sign. The week where it finally decided to go cold was the same exact week Thomas kicked himself out of his own house. It couldn't be a coincidence, it was too perfectly timed to just be coincidental. It's going to be ok, Thomas kept thinking to himself. After all, his mom's text had seemed kind of hopeful for Thomas, kind of sorry from his mom's side. Also, if his mom hadn't talked to him in a week then she did have some time to think. Maybe she could have changed her mind about gays...... maybe....... Thomas had to hope. But what if she just wanted to scold him again and say final chilling goodbyes, that was possible. That was probably what was going to happen. Thomas's heart was pounding and his mind was going a million miles and hour. He was trying to figure out what his mom was going to talk about, but he just ended up self-doubting and being self conscious. Thomas finally decided to face whatever it was his mom wanted to tell him. He may be the beta male, but he sure as hell wasn't a pussy. Thomas took one final deep breath and walked into the coffee shop. His heart was still pounding and he instantly regretted walking inside to face his fears. But, where was his mom? Thomas did a quick scan of the shop realizing she wasn't in any of the chairs and she definitely wasn't at the long table in the middle. He quickly turned to walk out of the door, and then Chrystal walked in. Thomas instantly froze and went pale. Chrystal however, was overjoyed and ran clumsily towards Thomas in her heels. Chrystal took Thomas is her arms and cradled him there, it was an awkward sight from the outside, especially since Thomas was taller than his mom. But to Chrystal it felt perfect. Thomas thought the hug was a good sign, although it could just be a last hug or a hug like of friends after not seeing each other for a long time. Thomas thought it was probably the first one.

"I'm so glad that you showed up Tom," Chrystal said trying to hold back her brimming tears. It was clear that she might cry at any moment because her eyes were already watering up. "Do you want anything to drink?" Chrystal asked with sparkling eyes and a smile of pure happiness.

"I'll just go and get it with you mom," Thomas said still feeling tense as ever, but still less than a minute before. A muffled "awww" could be heard from the couple sitting behind them.

When Chrystal and Thomas got their drinks, they sat on two chairs facing towards each other. A small coffee table sat in between the two chairs and Thomas rested his hot coco on it. Chrystal followed putting her latte on the table too. Both drinks were too hot to drink just yet.

"Tom," Chrystal started, hesitantly putting her hand across and onto Thomas's hand. She was more than relieved when he didn't recoil at her touch, but instead took her hand into his. "I've come to the conclusion that you are who you are. I can't change who you are. I've also done some searching," Chrystal was brimming with tears now, ready to burst. "I love you Tom. More importantly though, you are my son.... and you choose who you want to be with. Jack seems like a good guy. And all I want is for you to be happy. It's clear that you are happiest with him. Never have I seen you more happy than when you are with Jack. Your father and your brother both support you and Jack. And I realize now that all you really wanted was for me to accept you for who you are." Now it was Thomas's turn to try and hold back his tears. That point hit him hard, that was all he wanted. All he ever wanted was to be accepted by his mom for who he really was, not who he pretended to be. "And I have come to the conclusion that," Chrystal looked up at her son with the happiest, most accepting eyes she had ever shown him. And then she smiled and said, "Being gay is ok."


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