Chapter Ten (Chrystal and Thomas's POV O_0)

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"Hey Jack, it's so nice to meet you," Chrystal shook Jack's hand as he walked in the door.

"Hi Mrs. Adams, this is a nice house," Jack complemented Chrystal when he met Thomas's eyes. Thomas gave a small wave and then a gesture that signaled "follow me." Jack then smiled at Chrystal and followed Thomas upstairs and into Thomas's room.

"Your mom seems nice," Jack said as he took a seat on the edge of Thomas's bed.

"Guess so, but she does not react well to the whole 'me dating a guy' sorta thing," Thomas said as he mounted Jack, one leg hugging each of Jack's hips.

"I wouldn't imagine she would," Jack laughed and put his hands loosely around Thomas's hips.

"Ooooo," Thomas cooed softly as he put his arms around Jack's neck. Then he planted a kiss on Jack's lips, which then turned into the two of them making out. Neither one of them heard the knock on the door to signal dinner was ready. However, Thomas did hear the door creak open and his mom say that dinner was ready. Thomas quickly scrambled to unmount Jack, but in the process accidentally pushed Jack down on the bed making the situation look worse.

"Hey you guys, dinner is......." Chrystal trailed off when she opened the door to find her son on top of Jack, the boy she had jut met. "Oh my God......" Chrystal gasped as what she saw finally hit her. Deep breaths, in, out, in, out. Chrystal thought as she started to hyperventilate. "Dinner's ready," She mumbled softly.

"Mom wait! It's not what it looks like!" Thomas cried as Chrystal quick ran down the stairs and out the door. Thomas looked back at Jack with the biggest, scared, eyes.

"Tommy, I'm........ I'm so sorry....." Jack stuttered. But Thomas wasn't angry or upset, just scared. He hugged Jack burying his head in Jack's shoulder and they seemed to stay like that forever.



HOW DARE HER SON EVER DO THAT?! Just when Chrystal was beginning to accept her son for liking guys. He had to go and ruin what she had established. Break the number one ground rule she had set, "No romantic relations in my house, how is that so hard to understand?!" Chrystal mumbled over and over to herself. What Chrystal had just witnessed destroyed the little bit of acceptance she had started to build for her son. Why did Thomas have to make this so hard on her? All Chrystal felt was rage. She was so angry at Thomas for breaking a VERY SIMPLE rule. She was mad that he fell in love with a man. She was mad that he had had the nerve to kiss another man at all. She hated all that wasn't what God wanted. Anything that didn't follow the Bible, Chrystal despised. Gay marriage and gay couples had now risen to the very top of the list. She hated Jack for having the nerve to make her son gay. She didn't care that Thomas was attracted to Jack, that Thomas wanted to spend the rest of the life with Jack. Chrystal decided that something had to be done. Action had to be taken place to fix her son. Why did he have to make this so difficult on her?! All she had ever wanted for her son was to be a strong Christian, but he couldn't even TRY to be one. He had to go out and declare himself as one of them. Chrystal slowly dialed the number of their pastor. And said, "Can you help me with my son?"

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