Chapter Sixteen (Thomas's POV)

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"Hey Jack," Thomas said timidly as he hugged Jack and snuggled up next to him so he could hear Jack's heartbeat.

"Yeah Tom?" Jack replied waiting for Thomas to continue.

"Did I make the right decision..... moving in with you? It's been a week and neither my mom or dad has even tried to contact me. I love you so much Jack, you make me the happiest person alive. But, I just........ did I make the right decision?" Thomas said shakily.

"I don't know Tom. All I want is you to be happy." Jack said but to no help. Those thoughts had been plaguing Thomas since he had spent one day away from his house. It was different when he slept over at Jack's, he always knew that his family would be there when he went back home. Now he just didn't know what to think. Thomas always wanted to move out as soon as he could, but now it seemed different. It seemed as if he was forced out of his house. Like he wasn't wanted. All Thomas had wanted to do was prove a point to his mom...... but had his point even gone across. Thomas looked at his phone every ten seconds, seeing if there was a text from his mom or dad.

"This is hurting you isn't it Tom, never getting a message or call from ur parents." Thomas just nodded trying to hold back tears, trying to act strong in front of Jack. Jack just hugged Thomas closer to him. "You do know you weren't allowed to legally move out yet right? Especially since my parents didn't know about the whole 'legal guardian' thing."

Thomas let out an empty laugh, "Yeah I know, I love you Jack."

"I love you too Tom," Jack said kissing Thomas. "But....."

Jack was interrupted by Thomas's phone buzzing. Thomas quickly looked down at the phone in his hand. He quickly opened it and looked at the message. It was from his MOM. Thomas choked as he read the message, "Hey Tom, I love you. Can we meet at Jimmy's, the coffee shop, a block from our house tommorow? I really want to talk to you. I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner, I was just scared that you would completely ignore it. I'm not mad that you are with Jack, and tell him I'm sorry for lashing out at him. I was just confused and angry at the same time. You just shocked me with your request. I just really want to see you. I'm sorry I'll stop rambling now. Can you text back if you can meet me though, you mean so much to me. I will always love you Tom, but I need to tell you something."

Thomas burst into tears. He hugged Jack and started sobbing into his neck. Jack hugged Tom back and asked if he was ok. Thomas gave Jack his phone with the message displayed and Jack hugged Thomas. They snuggled and kissed for a long time. Thomas moved first to mount Jack, Jack leaned into it more and that night was one of their best nights together.

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