Chapter Nine (Thomas's POV)

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Thomas tried to walk through the door to his house as quietly as possible in hopes of avoiding his mom, however he forgot that the front door was EXTREMELY squeaky. And the fact his mom was sitting on the couch right inside the living room also didn't help.

"So, how was school?" Thomas's mom asked.

Oh thank God! Thomas thought. "It was good,"

"Oh yeah?" His mom asked. "Well thats not what the principal and your teachers told me. You weren't there all day Tom! Where were you?!"

"Ummmmmmm....." Thomas shifted uncomfortably trying to come up with an excuse other than saying he was with his boyfriend the whole day. "I was doing some research for a project in science," Was that really what you came up with?! Thomas scolded himself inwardly.

"Oh yeah? Look Tom, you've never been a very good liar. So just tell me where you were, and tell me the 100% truth," Crystal said offering Thomas a seat on the couch next to her.

"Ok then," Thomas took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves. "I spent the day with my boyfriend, Jack. He's really nice and I think you might actually like him. He treats me super well, and he has a really nice personality." Thomas confessed but also trying to make it sound like he wasn't dating a douchebag, which he wasn't.

"So I'm guessing that's where you were last night?" Thomas nodded. "Ok then......" Crystal trailed off trying to compose herself. "Well, when can I meet this Jack fellow? I want to know if he is actually suitable for my son. And no I do not support you and him dating. I don't think I ever will look at your relationship in a good way if I'm being completely honest. However, I still want the best for you. Also however, I'm going to have to set some ground rules. Rule 1- If he comes into my house, you will not and cannot show signs of 'more than friends' affection. Rule number 2- If I don't like him then you have to break up with him. And rule number 3- Do not talk about Jack around Gabe, he is starting to think gay marriage is ok, and I don't think it is. So don't talk to him about it." Thomas nodded again. Seemed pretty straightforward. "Ka peesh?" Chrystal sternly asked and stated simultaneously.

"Ka peesh," Thomas confirmed.

"I hate how you are dating another guy, but your father tried to convince me to let you be you. That if you want to date guys, then to let you do that. But I will not support you in this, and I will never support this. It's not what God intended, but I will try to accept who you choose to like."

"Thanks mom," Thomas mumbled.

"Now as for you skipping school and not returning my calls, well...... there will be consequences for that." Chrystal told Thomas. "Now go get ready for bed."

Thomas took his cue to then get off the couch and to go get ready for bed. Though it didn't feel complete that Jack wasn't there, he tried not to think about that too much. But it was almost unbearable once he got into his bed. He longed for Jack's warmth and comforting touch. Thomas had to scold himself however, as he knew that might not happen for a little bit. But did he regret what he did today? Not even in the slightest. Hanging out with Jack was one of the most fun things he had ever done in his life.

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