Chapter Eight (Oscar's POV)

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"I wonder where Tom and Jack are," Oscar said at lunch.

"Probably out on a date or something, skipping school," Samantha said with a roll of her eyes and a tempting grin that said to Oscar "I know you love me."

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Sabrina said winking at Samantha.

If there was one thing Oscar could do well, it was reading emotions. He could tell almost exactly what everyone was thinking with just one scan. The only person he couldn't do that with was Samantha. He could never read what she was thinking behind those always shifting eyes and ever-changing expressions. That was what intrigued him the most about Samantha, he could never tell what she was thinking. She definitely was hot, but it was her personality which intrigued him so much.

"Your looking at me with your mouth open, what do you want?" Samantha teased.

"What? Oh, um. Sorry," Oscar replied quickly tugging at his collar.

"Mmmmmhmmmmm suuuuuuuuuure....." Samantha replied sarcastically making it clear she wanted him to spill.

"I just, ummmm.... I uhhhh...." Oscar said, airing out his shirt. "Ummmmm.... I uh...... I really....."

Oscar was cut off when Samantha leaned across the table and gave him a kiss. When Oscar blushed and Samantha knew she had hit the mark. Oscar started to stutter but Samantha put one finger on his lips and said, "Keep it on the down low, meet you by my car after school." She winked at him and then went off to go get ready for her next class. Oscar was left speechless for the rest of the day, wondering if he was dreaming or if the kiss at lunch was real. He must have figured it was because after school Samantha kissed him longer and more passionately at her car. She left with a simple, "Glad you feel the same babe." Then driving off leaving Oscar standing there speechless.

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