Chapter Thirteen (Thomas's POV)

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"Oh God...." Jack said hugging Thomas even tighter when he told him what happened. "Don't worry I will always love you Tom, no matter what happens. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else."

They hugged and kissed for so long. Nothing would ever be able to shake their undying and ever growing love for each other.

"Jack?" Thomas asked with big eyes back up at Jack. "Can you make me forget everything again? Can you show me what it's like to be loved again?"

"Of course, anything for you Tommy," Jack said undoing the button to Thomas's pants and then undoing his own.


Thomas woke up feeling better than he ever had before. Jack sure knew how to make him forget everything. Thomas realized he was still on top of Jack when he looked down at the body beneath him. Thomas loved Jack's smell, his perfect body, and even the way his dick fit perfectly inside Tom's. Thomas smiled at the memory of earlier that day. He hugged Jack until Jack woke up.

"Hey Tommy," Jack said smiling at the fragile body above him. When Jack loosely fashioned his arms under Thomas's ass was when he remembered neither of them were wearing any pants. Thomas was still wearing a shirt, and there was a big stain where his left nipple was. Thomas smiled when he remembered how much Jack unloaded on him. It felt so warm and nice against his cold, quivering body.

"Hey Jack," Thomas said blushing as he pinned Jack and they kissed. "You didn't slow down," Thomas said with a chuckle.

"You were enjoying it to much to slow down," Jack returned, chuckling himself as they kissed again. It was a soft, gentle kiss. Neither one of them wanted to leave the position. They were perfectly content with staying that way forever. Both of them forgot everything, every bad thing and every worry. All that mattered was each other. Thomas dismounted and curled up next to Jack. He put his head on Jack's heart and listened to the steady heartbeat. Ba bum, bum bum, ba bum, bum bum...... Jack's heart went. So steady. It soothed Thomas, calmed him to the very core.

"Your lips are really soft and warm," Jack smiled as Thomas started to suck on Jack's bare chest.

Thomas smiled back up, moving his hand down to where Jack's erect penis was. They kissed as Thomas moved his hand up and down slowly. Thomas felt Jack's dick harden and quickly moved his lips to catch everything that spilled out.

"I knew you had another one in you," Thomas laughed. Jack tasted so good. Thomas wanted more of Jack, he loved Jack more than anything else. He was just so perfect.

"Guess so," Jack said grabbing Thomas and moving so he was on top of him. Jack grabbed Thomas's small, soft love handles and squeezed ever so slightly. Thomas softly moaned closing his eyes and kissing Jack.

"I love you Jack," Thomas said nipping at Jack's ear.

"Love you too Tom," Jack said chewing at his special spot on the base of Thomas's neck.

*Ding* Jack's doorbell rang throughout the house.

"Shit," Jack said. "I forgot that I told Joe we could work on the project today." Jack quickly got off Thomas to get some clean clothes on. "Here put these on," Jack said throwing Thomas some gym shorts.

"But I don't have any underwear on," Thomas complained.

"Makes you cuter if you don't," Jack winked at Thomas throwing him the shorts. Jack left to go greet Joe at the door leaving Thomas standing there with a sparkle in his eye.

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