Chapter Eleven (Thomas's POV)

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"Mom?" Thomas asked shakily as Chrystal passed him in the hallway. "Mom!"

So this was what was going on now? His mom was ignoring him. Thomas guessed he could live with it, he still had Jack to comfort him. That was the only thing that mattered in his life right now. Thomas remembered what had happened last night. Thomas had hugged Jack and cried on his shoulder for hours. Was Jack ever going to be able to forgive him for not being strong like he was supposed to be? Jack now knew how much Chrystal really hated him, Thomas now knew how much she hated Jack. She will never be able to forgive me for being bisexual, will she? Thomas thought. Why couldn't Christians just accept people for the way they were and not always have to think that that person is terrible for doing something. It didn't make sense to Thomas. Christians were supposed to be these figures of acceptance. That no matter who you were, you could come and find acceptance in a Christian community. Well I guess that rule only qualifies if you are a "normal" person. Thomas thought feeling as worthless as ever. Was coming out not the right decision? Maybe Thomas should have kept Jack a secret..... then everything would still be normal with his mom. All Thomas wanted was to be accepted by his mom for who he really was.


"So where were you on Friday?" Oscar asked Thomas with one eyebrow up. "You did something with Jack huh? Yup I nailed it," Oscar smirked knowing he guessed exactly what Thomas was thinking making Thomas blush as red as a tomato.

"Yeah you're a real genius," Thomas said with an eye roll and a small smile.

"So where did you and Jack go?" Oscar asked genuinely intrigued.

"The movies, then we went to the pizza place....." Thomas trailed off not telling Oscar the part he didn't have to know.

"Oh come on! After that," Oscar playfully punched Thomas on the arm. "Tell me what happened after!"

"Fine, we uhhhh......" Thomas trailed off. "We went back to Jack's house and we uhhhh...... we......" Talking about Jack and him having sex was still hard for Thomas say.

Oscar just gave Thomas the biggest, dopey smile. "I know exactly what you did. You don't need to say anymore, I'll say it for you. You had sex with Jack, didn't you?" Oscar laughed when Thomas went even a brighter shade of red. Thomas's only response was a slight, little, timid nod. "Well, don't worry, I won't tell anybody."

"Thanks," Thomas replied gratefully. "So how about you and Samantha eh?" Thomas said as he nudged Oscar half to get revenge and half out of genuine curiosity.

"Haha," Oscar said as he let out a nervous laugh. "pshhhhhh nothing, nothing is going on," Oscar sputtered.

"Neither one of us is a good liar," Thomas said. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you and Samantha."

Oscar breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks."

Thomas and Oscar had been best friends for a while. They could read each other. They both knew exactly what expression meant what feeling. They were both like books, easily readable if you could understand the language. They knew exactly what the other one was thinking just by a quick scan over. It just seemed like Oscar knew every language except for one. Thomas knew who the unreadable person was because Oscar had told him that that was what attracted him to Samantha. He could never read what she was thinking.

"Hey gang," the duo said to the others sitting at their lunch table. Everyone said "hey" in response.

Everyone had come to have their own spot. Joe and Sabrina sat together. Everybody knew they were dating, it was pretty obvious from the kisses and how well Joe always treated her. Joe never treated her not good. He was the role model of a perfect boyfriend, nice, loving, and only occasionally he would get mad. Normally it was about politics. He was leader of the high school debate team and his dad was big into politics, so Joe just caught on and got hooked on it. However, Joe could never get mad at Sabrina, he loved her to much and that was pretty clear. Miranda sat on the left of Jack, and Thomas sat on the right. It was clear Jack and Thomas were in love, Jack always snuggled Thomas when he sat down.

"I'm sorry everybody at this beautiful establishment, but Jomas is my otp. Congratulations to you guys!" Miranda proclaimed as everyone applauded (Jomas had come to be Thomas and Jack's ship name). "I mean you guys are second, Jabrinna. Don't you worry about that," Everyone chuckled at this remark.

"Well thanks," Sabrina replied to Miranda.

"Yeah both of you are reeeeeeeeal cute," Samantha said sarcastically as she laughed. "Well guess what? Nevermind, Oscar you tell them," Samantha challenged.

"Oh ummmm...... ok......" Oscar stumbled over his words taken off guard. "We are ummm.... me and Samantha are dating now......" Samantha gave him a genuine smile this time, Oscar could see that.

"I KNEW IT!!!!!" Sabrina exclaimed and everyone laughed.

"Congrats, if there is one thing Sam isn't sarcastic over, it's you Oscar. Treat one of my best friends well ok," Joe said to Oscar with a smile.

"I will," Oscar said and Samantha snuggled up to him.

"Great now who am I going to ship the most out of the three of you," Miranda said as she laughed.

They were a tight group of friends. They all treated each other better than themselves. Thomas was glad to have the greatest of friends.

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