Chapter Four (Thomas's POV)

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"Where were you tonight?" Thomas's mom, Chrystal, scolded. "Why didn't you ask me to pick up your brother for you?! He waited an hour for you after his practice!"

Where was I?! Thomas thought, having the time of my life of course! "Sorry mom....... I was............ over at Oscar's house helping him with his homework. I'm sorry for not telling you, it was a.............. last minute thing."

"Well, next time just tell me first, ok sweety?" Thomas nodded at what his mom said and she kissed him on the cheek. "Okay then, go get ready for bed. Tomorrow is Saturday so you can stay up, just not to long ok? I love you Tom." Then his mom headed up the stairs leaving Thomas alone in the doorway.

How was Thomas ever going to tell his mom and dad he was bisexual? Would they ever except him if he told them? No he didn't think so. But it was worth a try right? Maybe? Thomas decided that they had to know. He had to tell them about Jack, that he now had a boyfriend. That his boyfriend was really nice and that he treated him well. Wow, that developed really fast....... Thomas thought.


"Morning Tom!" Thomas's dad said as Thomas sat down to the breakfast table.

"Morning." Thomas said trying to calm his nerves and collect himself for what was about to happen. And just his luck, his little brother was also at the table attentively looking at his older brother. "Hi Gabe, hi mom."

"Hey Tom, its ok you didn't pick me up from practice. Really, it's ok." Gabe said with a half fake, half real smile.

"Thanks bro," Thomas replied.

"Morning sweety!" Thomas's mom said with a genuine smile. "You don't look so good, you alright?"

That was going to make things so much harder for Thomas. That last sentence put him over the edge. It scared him. That smile of genuine care sent shivers up his spine. His mom was the scariest person and the most comforting person. He just wanted to be accepted for who he was. So, he had to rip off the band-aid. Just get it over with.

"There is, um, something I need to tell you guys......" Thomas said shakily.

"Sure, what is it champ?" His dad asked with one eyebrow up.

"Ummmm....." Thomas took one deep breath in, then out. Just rip off the bandaid, deal with the exposed wound later. You got this. Thomas thought. Here it goes... "I'm bisexual, I like guys and girls. Now, despite what you might think, there is nothing wrong with me. I'm not going to start changing or anything. I'm still regular old Thomas. Now, I don't need therapy or anything....... I'm perfectly fine. I just thought I should tell you since...... ummmmm...... I have a boyfriend."

The whole table was silent. The only thing that made a sound was his dad's spoon clanking down against his cereal bowl. Thomas started to fidget and started to sweat. Was what he said the right thing to say? Maybe he should have just kept quiet? A sense of dread quickly began to flood over Thomas and he regretted what he had said. Gabe was the first one to say anything.

"You do you man, I'll support you." He said with a smile as he got up to leave the table. Probably because he didn't want to be there when his parents finally came to their senses.

"Dad? Mom?" Thomas asked.

"We, uh, need to talk about this in private." Thomas's mom said. "Thanks for telling us."

Something in his mom's tone scared Thomas. Her voice was raspy and her eyes looked really scared, like he had just told her he was going to die later that day.

"Ok then....?" Was Thomas's only answer.

Thomas rushed up to his room and stopped by Gabe's room on the way. Gabe was in eighth grade, so he wasn't really little. He had a good understanding about the world. Gabe was good company, he was athletic and played basketball for his school. Sometimes Thomas would arrive at his practices early and watch him as he waited for it to end. "Hey Gabe, thanks for taking my side..... it uhhh, really means a lot to me."

"No problem," Gabe replied not looking up at Thomas. "Overwatch" was displayed in big, bold letters across the monitor as he looked for his headset that he used to play competitively. Thomas wasn't exactly sure what that meant or why Gabe needed the headset but it seemed legitimate so he didn't question it.

Thomas quickly grabbed his phone when he was finally in his room and texted Jack three simple words.... "I told them..."

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