Chapter Fifteen (Thomas's POV)

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"Hey Tom!" Joe yelled for the fourth time.

"I'm sorry what do you need?" Thomas asked blushing as he took his earplugs out.

"How are things with you and Jack? He says that you are the best thing that has ever happened to him," Joe said looking over at Tom with his bottom lip out in a pouting, sympathetic sort of look.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." Thomas stalled trying to avoid the question. Wait where was Jack? "Wait Joe, where is Jack?" Thomas asked with genuine concern.

"You haven't even looked up from your phone have you? Ugh, he just went to the bathroom," Joe gave Thomas a smirk. "Take it things are going well?" Thomas nodded turning a really bright shade of red at even the mention of Jack's name. "Awwwwww that's adorable," Joe said with satisfaction.

"Soooooo how are things with you and Sabrina?" Thomas asked with his bottom lip out mimicking Joe.

"Fuck off," Joe said laughing. Thomas smiled and Joe smiled too. "They're good if you must know. I would be over at her house, but I'm stuck barging in between you guys," Thomas looked shocked and it was easy to tell. "Oh please, don't act shocked. I stopped by earlier and heard you moaning, because you're not that quiet, so I went over to the coffee shop down the street and came back a couple hours later."

"Uhhh, sorry Joe," Thomas looked like a mix of shock and apology. "I tried to be quiet."

Joe laughed, "It's fine, that's happened to me and Sabrina too. Don't even worry about it, really its cool man."

"Well thanks," Thomas said breathing a sign of relief.

"No problem," Joe said giving Thomas a small smirk.

"Hey Tom, hey Joe," Jack said coming back to the table where him and Joe were working. "Did I miss anything?"

"Not really," Joe said. "So what do I do about this part?" Joe said returning to talk about his project.


"Mom?" Thomas called when him and Jack stepped inside Thomas's house.

"TOM!" Chrystal appeared from the kitchen doorframe and hugged her son. "I was so worried about you."

"Mom, I'm fine really," Thomas gasped from the tight hug. "I've decided something mom...."

"What is it sweety?" Chrystal asked with wide eyes.

"Jack said I could move in with him if he wanted me to, I just came to get some of my stuff and to tell you that I'm moving in with Jack since you don't want me here at home because I'm bi." Thomas said as he went to move past his mom.

"Tom you can't just....." Chrystal started before she was cut off. She had an empty, dead-looking, blank stare on her face. Thomas almost felt sympathy for her. Almost.

"Mom, I've made up my mind, you don't want me here anymore just let me go get my stuff and I'll be on my way. Jack said his parents could be my legal guardians if they needed to be, so that's not an issue." Thomas said brushing past his mom and then up the stairs.

"This is all your fault," Chrystal said with a look of absolute disgust at Jack as she went back into the kitchen defeated. Maybe Pastor Henry was wrong. Maybe being gay wasn't as bad as everyone always said.

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