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6 Years Later

"You guys are so frickin cute together," Miranda said as she looked like she was going to explode from an overload of cuteness.

"Yeah congrats on getting married you guys," Joe said carrying his daughter, Kasey, on his shoulders and having one hand around Sabrina's hip.

Thomas put one hand on Jack's chest and Jack put one arm around Thomas pulling them both together. "It was going to happen sooner or later," Jack said shrugging, smiling, and kissing Thomas.

"Kasey, what do you say to your godfathers?" Sabrina asked little Kasey gingerly.

"Congratulations and thank you for inviting us Uncle Jack and Uncle Tom." Kasey said in her meek, soft voice. She looked a lot more like Sabrina than Joe, but Kasey did have Joe's eyes and his curly hair.

"Your welcome Kasey, thank you for being our ring girl," Thomas said crouching down to kiss Kasey on the forehead after Joe had set her back down on the ground.

"Seriously congratulations on getting married you guys, its the best thing that will ever happen to you," Joe said as he and his new family walked towards their car.

"Speaking of getting married..." Samantha said moving around to the front of Oscar. "When are you going to propose to me?"

"I dunno, babe," Oscar said smiling and kissing Samantha. "Whenever feels right."

"Alright then," Samantha said with her teasing smile and kissing Oscar. "But it better be soon," she said jabbing Oscar in the ribs.

"THOMAS!!!" Thomas's mom yelled from across the yard they had the small wedding in. "Me and your father are so happy for you and Jack," Chrystal said as she quickly closed the gap between her and the newlyweds. "We just want to wish you guys well and that we will always support you guys. We hope that you guys will be extremely happy together."

"Thanks mom," Thomas said hugging Chrystal.

"Thanks...... mom?" Jack said not knowing what to call Chrystal anymore.

"Glad you are now part of our family Jack, and mom is a fine title I think," Chrystal said smiling up at the couple and hugging Jack as well as giving them both a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks," Jack smiled as he hugged Chrystal back and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Well I won't bother you young people anymore, but Jack," Chrystal paused. "Take care of my little boy ok?"

"Don't worry, I will," Jack said kissing Thomas and putting his hands loosely on Thomas's tight little butt.

"Thanks for being our best man Oscar," Thomas directed to his best friend.

"It was my pleasure," Oscar replied. "Had to have some special position at my best friends wedding right?" Oscar chuckled.

"Sorry, I have to go," Miranda said hugging Jack and Thomas. "Congratulations you guys, seriously. I wish I could stay longer but I have to pick up my cousin from the airport. Love ya babes," Miranda said as she walked towards her car, her dress swaying in the wind. "Oh and seriously Jack, don't be too rough with little Tommy," Miranda winked and grinned the stupidest grin as she got in her car and drove away.

"Awwww man," Jack said.

"What's wrong?" Thomas asked with genuine concern laced in his voice.

"Just forgot to pass out the cake to Joe's family and Miranda," Jack laughed. "Wanna go inside and get some babe?"

"I would love some cake," Thomas laughed as he kissed Jack.

"I want cake too," Oscar said fake pouting.

"Cake isn't gonna eat itself," Jack said over his shoulder to Samantha and Oscar.

Samantha ran after them and Oscar trailed just behind her. They all entered the house and everything in the world seemed perfect.

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