Chapter Seven (Thomas's POV)

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"Morning Tommy!" Jack said cheerily when Thomas walked into his kitchen rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Morning Jack," Thomas replied cheerily remembering what had happened last night. "SHIT! We have school today!"

"Don't worry man, you came over to my house right after school so your stuff is all here," Jack replied pouring both of them a cup of coffee.

"Oh yeah....." Now Thomas remembered, Jack had given him a ride back to his place and Thomas had stayed the night. "Thanks again for letting me stay the night," Thomas said giving Jack a peck on the cheek.

"It was my offer," Jack said with a shrug. "And I had a good time last night, just being with you."

"Awwww your too nice." Thomas said giving him a little shove.

"Well school starts in an hour and a half so we better start getting ready," Jack said. "Unless you want to do something else....." Jack said with a wink and a slight devilish grin.

"Like what?" Thomas asked inquisitively.

"Well, we could go see a movie or whatever you want...... except for amusement parks, sorry but those are really expensive......" Jack was cut off my a brief kiss from Thomas.

"A movie would be real grand." Thomas told Jack with a sparkle in his eye.


As Thomas and Jack entered the dimly lit theater and took a seat in the exact middle of it. Thomas noticed out of the corner of his eye two people coming up the steps to sit next to Jack.

"Hey, Jack," Thomas whispered. "Ummm, do you know them?" Thomas asked pointing to the two making their way towards them in the almost empty theater.

"Well look who it is," Jack said with a grin as they took the two seats opposite of me. "You guys were supposed to be the good ones out of our friend group!"

"Rules are meant to be broken right?" The girl said and just shrugged.

"Miranda was apparently feeling sick, but then dragged me along to the movies saying 'how fun it would be!'" The boy said playfully glaring at Miranda.

"Oh ummm Thomas, this is Miranda and Joe, we hang out a lot...." Jack said gesturing to each of them respectively and they waved back.

"So are you Jack's boyfriend? Awwwww that's adorable!" Miranda said squealing in delight.

"Ummmmm..... yeah...... I mean..... ummmmm......" Thomas said stuttering over his words. He never did well around new people. Especially people who really wanted to get to know him and ask him questions.

The odd looking squad talked and laughed until the movie started. Miranda and Joe got acquainted to Thomas and Thomas to them. They were pretty cool people.

Miranda was a cute, black girl, or at least Thomas thought she was pretty cute. She was about as tall as Samantha, and had chocolate colored eyes. Her friend, Joe, was a tall skinny guy. He looked to be interracial as he looked both Asian but also Latino. He had curly hair that fell down to the nape of his neck. They were an odd couple, didn't really go together.... but they were somehow kinda cute together. Thomas asked Jack if they were dating after the movie ended and Jack laughed. He said "no don't be ridiculous, Miranda is asexual." Thomas then shrugged and said they would be cute together and Jack laughed again. God, his laugh is so adorable. Thomas thought as he smiled up at Jack.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Jack asked.

"I'm really hungry, can we go get something to eat?" Thomas asked.

"Why do you always have to answer a question with a question?" Jack chuckled, "Just say that you're hungry."

"Sorry," Thomas mumbled blushing.

"It's kind of cute though, you know. There is a pizza place right across the street, you wanna go there? It's really good!" Jack looked down at Thomas quizzically.

"Pizza sounds great!" Thomas said looking up and then kissing Jack.

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