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You made it!!! You finished the book!!!

Thank you to everyone who read the book. Also thank you to everyone who pushed me to finish the book and make every chapter the best I could make it. Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the book! I really hope you enjoyed this book because I had a lot of fun writing it. I really fell in love with characters as they developed in their relationships with each other. I feel like the book turned out great. And I know I keep saying this but really, thank you so much for all of your reads, votes, and comments. You all inspired me to keep writing the book and I'm so happy that you all seemed to enjoy it. If you didn't I'm sorry, I tried to make the story as interesting as possible. I tried my best to create strong feelings in the middle of the book with Chrystal and Thomas, and I hope the book really hit home for you.

I really don't know what else to say other than thank you so much and I really hope you enjoyed the story! I love all of you guys and I really hope that you have a great day! I love you all!

I hope you all have a great day and as potential last words in this book ~ Being gay is ok

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