Chapter Twelve (Thomas's POV)

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"Hey Thomas," Chrystal called Thomas's name as he stepped into the house after school.

"Yeah mom?" Thomas replied taken aback my her suddenly talking to him.

She appeared in the doorway to the living room and proceeded to say, "I ummmm, Pastor Henry's here to talk to you...." She fidgeted uncomfortably as Thomas gave her a blank stare, pale as a ghost.

Thomas made his way to the living room, panic and fear running through his head. Millions of thoughts crossed his mind every second. All of the them different endings that could happen. The scariest to him would never being able to see Jack again. That would be the worst thing that could ever happen to him. He was greeted by Pastor Henry as he entered the room and was asked to take a seat. No no no no no.... this couldn't be happening! Thomas silently panicked as he went even a paler shade of white. Thomas sat on the couch frozen he was oblivious to Pastor Henry, his mom, and everything else around him. Thomas shook violently from head to toe. He wished he had just kept his sexuality and Jack a secret from his parents. He wanted to curl up into a ball and just have Jack hug him. He loved Jack more than anything in the entire world, and nothing would ever change that.

"So Thomas, your mother tells me you are gay," Pastor Henry started off.

Thomas held up one very shaky finger as if to shush the Pastor, "Bisexual, there's a difference," Thomas said with a raspy voice and blinking in and out of consciousness.

"Riiiiiiiight," Henry said sarcastically. "Anyways, she tells me you are dating a guy. Someone named 'Jack' yes?" He spat putridly, obviously disgusted at even saying those words.

"Yes sir," Thomas said trying hard to stay awake and not fade into unconsciousness. Thomas was so scared, this whole situation made him want to have never have existed. He was pressed up against the couch already, as far away from his mom and pastor as he could be. His eyes were wide as saucers. Thomas quickly scanned the door, he could make a bolt for it if he tried. Then he could go and stay at Jack's apartment and never come back. It was a possibility, especially since his parents didn't know where Jack lived. Jack's parents were never home anyways, always away on business trips. Thomas would basically go unnoticed.

"Thomas," Chrystal gingerly said reaching out and putting a hand on his leg. Thomas recoiled from even the touch of her hand, as he brought up his legs and hugged them to his stomach. "This is serious, you can't be Christian and ga...... bisexual at the same time." Chrystal said bluntly.

"JACK IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT ANYWAY!" Thomas yelled with a shaky voice as he bolted, tears clouding his vision, from the room and out to the garage. He opened the door and rode off on his bike right as his mom appeared in the doorway with tears streaming down her eyes. She stood there watching her son ride off not knowing if he would ever come back. How had she messed up so badly? How had she hurt her son so much, that he wouldn't even let her touch him? Could she ever rebuild that love and trust? She may never know.


"Jack we need to talk," Thomas said, tears still rolling down his cheeks, as he knocked on Jack's door.

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