Chapter Six (Chrystal's POV)

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Chrystal couldn't believe it. HER SON, the son that always went to church, the son that never bothered to pitch in to they're conversations on gays........ maybe that was why..... WHY HADN'T SHE SEEN IT EARLIER?! It was starting to tear her up, in Chrystal's mind you couldn't be both straight and gay, you were one or the other. Gay or straight. They didn't meet in the middle. She had cried for several nights, and it made her so angry her OWN HUSBAND now supported gays, her CHRISTIAN husband. Was she the only one who knew that God would punish them for supporting that and not following his word? Now, where was that son of hers?! Where is he? Probably out doing something with his....... boyfriend...... Chrystal thought. Even just thinking that her own son had a boyfriend was like acid burning through her brain. She couldn't process the fact that you couldn't be straight. It was just so vile. What did I do wrong?! He can't POSSIBLY even be gay right?! I mean, it must just be a phase right? He'll grow out of it, definitely. Even as Chrystal thought these things, doubt crept back into the picture. She knew it wasn't a phase. But she didn't want to except the fact that her son wasn't going out with a girl. How long had he hid this from me? Maybe if I had asked him, he would have told me. WHERE DID I GO WRONG?!?!??! Chrystal started to sweat at the thought that maybe she had caused Thomas to be this way. That she could have done something about who her son liked. It seemed hopeless, but she was determined to pull Thomas back from the evilest thing that he could ever do or proclaim to be.

"Hey, honey?" Thomas's dad, Jake, asked lightly from the doorway of their room. "Are you okay? I heard sobbing from downstairs. What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm totally fine," Chrystal tried her best to look like she hadn't been crying less than thirty seconds earlier.

"This whole, coming out thing with Thomas has really been getting to you lately. It's ok to be sad about it, but you need to accept who he wants to be and who he really is. He's old enough to be his own person now. He can be who he wants to be and like whoever he chooses to like." Jake said as he put an arm around his wife.

"Maybe you're right," Chrystal said shakily. "But you know that the Bible says that being gay just isn't acceptable in God's eyes." Chrystal said that last sentence shaking her head and fidgeting with her hands and shaking from head to toe.

"Maybe so," Jake replied. "However, we can't force Thomas to be who we want him to be. He has to choose who he wants to be with. You can't put that on him, because he likes who he likes. I like you and I didn't sit down to think whether or not I really liked you. I knew that I loved you, from your looks and your charm and your personality. Thomas gets to decide for himself who he loves. Neither you nor I can choose that for him. So you don't need to beat yourself up over it. Just try to accept him for who he is, he's still Thomas. Try to remember that." Jake kissed his wife's forehead then got up.

"Thanks honey," Chrystal shakily said.

"No problem, and just try to accept him for who he still is. And you can try to ignore the fact that he has a boyfriend if it really does bother you." Jake then walked out of the doorway and down the steps to go make dinner.

I wish I could accept him like you could Jake, but it's not right if he doesn't follow what God wants him to. Chrystal thought.

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