Chapter Fourteen (Oscar's POV)

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Oscar looked down at his watch, it read "1:30," he had been waiting there for thirty minutes trying to gather the courage to ring Samantha's doorbell. His palms were sweaty and when he finally did ring the doorbell, he left a big wet blotch. They may have been dating technically. But they hadn't really spent much time together outside of school. Wait.... he rung the doorbell. Oh God, oh God, well here goes.... Oscar thought as Samantha opened the door.

"Hi," Oscar said nervously scanning over her really quick. "You said you wanted me to help you with something?"

"Yup," Samantha said cheerily. "It's just upstairs follow me," Samantha said beckoning Oscar to follow her upstairs.

"Nice house," Oscar said looking all around him at the beautifully decorated house. "Everything just goes so well with the atmosphere," Oscar said remembering it was a compliment on one of the home fix-up shows his mom and dad watched sometimes.

Samantha chuckled and turned to spin towards Oscar, "My mom does something to do with houses, I can't remember what it's called though. Oh, and by the way it's obvious you don't know anything about decoration of houses" at saying this she stuck out her bottom lip in a pouting gesture. "Oh well, are you going to help me or not?"

"Yeah yeah sorry," Oscar said. "So what did you need my help with?"

"I'm having computer trouble and I need your help trying to get my project to work. It's for my art class and I need to do good to pass the class. So I saved it, but it's just not loading," Samantha helplessly gestured at her computer. "Can you fix it Oscar?" Samantha glanced up at him with that pouting look that she gave him earlier.

"I mean... ummmmm.... I can try my best," Oscar said with a quick forced smile down at her.

Oscar quickly ran through what was wrong and how to fix it. Within fifteen minutes Oscar had the file restored and displaying on the monitor of the screen. "There," He said triumphantly.

Samantha gave Oscar a quick kiss, "Thanks superman."

Oscar started to blush uncontrollably and started to stutter, "Ummmmm you're uhhhhhh I uhhhh you, I uhhhhh....."

Samantha just smiled and put her arms around Oscar's neck. She leaned up and kissed him again, but this time longer. And neither of them was going to pull away. Oscar wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He wasn't nervous anymore. Oscar felt like he could take on the world. After several minutes Samantha pulled away from Oscar.

"We should do this again sometime," Samantha said giving Oscar a quick hug and then showing him out to his bike on the porch. "Hey Oscar," Samantha said as Oscar mounted his bike. "Ummmm I love you," Samantha said as a sheepish grin crept onto her face.

"I love you too Sam," Oscar said with a smile and a kiss as he rode away. Samantha was left on the porch watching as the love of her life rode away. Yeah she was going to have to have that experience again, and Oscar would have to agree to that thought.

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