The Date

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Mike's P.O.V
I left school early so I could start setting up the date. I decided I really wanted to make it special. So I'm going to blind fold Allie so she can't see where we're going. Allie has a really nice car and a drivers license, but I wanted to make it really special so I'm going to pick her up.

3 hours earlier

Allie's P.O.V
I've been looking for Mike since lunch. I haven't seen him since before lunch. We only have three classes left. Right as I'm heading to my locker to exchange a few books, Trish comes strolling up to me with a smug look on her face. When she finally reaches me she looks to the floor with a sly smile on her face.

"What?" I ask immediately checking to see if I have something in my teeth or hair. She looks up casually as if nothing happened and says "oh nothing". Right then I know she knows something I don't "Trish spill...NOW!" She looks up with a small smile on her face and she starts tugging my arm to an empty classroom. When we're in inside I whisper yell at her "what?" She looks up with a glimmer in her eye that is rarely ever there anymore since she lost her brother. She whispers back to me "Miles Carter asked me out! We have a date this Saturday!" She squealed. I was immediately excited, we skipped our next period we had together which was History, talking about the date on Saturday.


Allie's P.O.V
I see Mike's care pull up into the driveway, and after lots of modeling for Trish, I'm wearing a green and black plaid shirt, with my favorite jeans that are low cut on the hips and are a little loose.

Mike comes up to the door and instead of barging in like he usually does he politely knocks on the door. He looks stunning in his own plaid shirt but it's red and black left unbuttoned with a white V-Neck Tee underneath showing off his muscles from baseball. He's wearing his favorite jeans as well, they are low cut on the very sides of the hips.

He waits patiently for me to come out. When I emerge from the door I see a eye lighting smile appear on his face.

We start walking out to his car when he stops me and pulls me into his embrace. He slowly pulls something from his back pocket. When I look at it I see a bandana and he's slowly moving it up towards my face, and then around my eyes, to then tie it around my head.

When it is securely on my head and I can't see anything he picks me up bridal style, and it makes my breath hitch.

He carries me to his car and carefully sets me down on the seat, then buckles me in. We start driving and I can basically feel his smile, when I ask "where are we going?" He replies with a simple "you'll see". Then does something totally unexpected.... He grabs my hand!

Mike's P.O.V
I was stunned by how amazingly beautiful she was. She was just wearing her favorite clothes, but they just happen to be my favorite clothes on her.

She seemed to be taking in my appearance as well. When we got to my car and I took her hand I couldn't help but smile that she didn't take her hand back from my fingers.

I sat there and played with our intertwined fingers and she didn't object. We finally drove up to 'The Place'. I walked around the car while looking at my handy work, I opened her door took her by the hand and led her to what I had prepared.

Allie's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful romantic thing I ever could see.

There were crystal Christmas lights strung through the dugout fence, and around the outfield fence. There was a table for two on the pitcher's mound, and lots of lightning bugs sparkling in the now darkening night sky.

There were lanterns with little light flickering from them on the edge of the outfield grass coming onto the infield. We were at my favorite place in the world. The softball field. Mike's face lit up with pleasure seeing that I liked it.

He quickly took me by my hand and swiftly moved me to a seat. He took out a basket from underneath the table and started layering my favorite foods on the table. He finally pulled out two glasses and my favorite drink. Grape soda.

He set it in the table and gave me a quick smile before pulling me out of my seat and taking me in his arms.

Quiet music started playing, and we danced, we danced around the whole field we had to ourselves and ended up sitting down at home plate. I started shivering as he pulled me into his warm arms.

He walked me back to the table giving me his jacket that I didn't notice before. Then he sat me down and we ate.

Allie's P.O.V
"Thanks Mike I had a really nice time tonight" I stated as he walked me up to my front door. "Well I'll see you tomorrow?" I replied with a simple nod of my head. His eyes lit up and kissed my cheek, turned around and said "I'll call you when I get home!" I smiled and walked up into my room.


Allie's P.O.V

Mikeybear: hey

Alliesparkle: hi

Mikeybear: what's up superstar

I couldn't help but blush at that.

Alliesparkle: just some homework, what about you mikey

Mikeybear: thinking of you;)

Now what girl wouldn't just love hearing someone as incredibly cute as Mike Brant say that? Wait... did I just call my best friend cute?

Alliesparkle: well that's always good

Mikeybear: will u go out 2 da conzert Friday night wit me?

Alliesparkle: who could say no to such an offer?

Mikeybear: so that's a yes...?

Alliesparkle: why of course it is!

Mikeybear: can I call u?

Alliesparkle: but of course Prince Charming

I can't believe I'm flirting with my best friend! Not even ten seconds later I get a call from Mike. We talked on the phone until about one- thirty. It was like normal with a little flirting thrown in now and then... he sure could throw some curve balls...

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