The Game

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Shoutout to @anglebeat1234
Remember to check out her book 'Check Yes' it's awesome!

Allie's P.O.V
It's top of the fourth two outs I'm on the mound ready to pitch, until I hear the sound of Mike's voice. "Let's go Trishy!" He yelled, I would've continued to pitch but I knew she was distracted so I went back down knowing it would be called a ball. The count is now 1-2 all I need is to pitch this last strike and get us out of this inning. I stated my motion and released the ball. It was a screw ball to the inside, because a change up is to expected. We were up to bat now, it was my turn to hit, I was batting cleanup, and the bases were loaded, I saw the ball it was coming at me right down the middle, it was with in my bats reach until it dropped down for a drop ball. I saw it coming and didn't swing. The next one was a fast ball right down the middle, I set myself up for it and took it for a ride over the fence for a grand slam. I only wish wrangler were here. The last time I saw him was last night on our date...

*Flash Back*

Allie's P.O.V
"Hey sweetheart!" Wrangler exclaimed as I walked down the stairs and into his waiting embrace. "Hey handsome." I whispered into his chest not wanting to let go. "Humphumuh" Mason cleared his throat behind us. "Hey Mace I'm going out with Wrangler tonight, make dinner for J.T, Sammy and yourself. I figured you might burn the house down if your tried so I left some dinner in the fridge just warm it in the microwave. Okay?" He shook his head up ad down in response, I smiled and kissed his cheek turned around and added "later!" before walking out the door with my Prince Charming. "Where are we going handsome?" I whispered to him after dropping back and wrapping my arms around his waist. He pulled my hands together and held them in his own large ones. "Somewhere special" he exclaimed, my heart beat sped up and my eyes lit up in excitement. "Where is this 'special place'?" I asked him getting vey curious. "You'll see babe!" With that he picked me up and jogged with me in his arms to his pickup. It was only a front seat pickup, so I slid over to the middle ad sat right next to him. I did everything I could to keep him on edge, I started sitting closer and moving my hand towards his and had some sort of contact with him every second until he finally spoke up. "Babe, I can't dire with you distracting me so much!" He whined drawing out the 'e'. "Well hurry up and drive then! I want to see this oh so special place!" "Mocking me are we? Well maybe I won't take you now, we can just go to some old diner." He stated while acting hurt. "As you wish handsome." I whispered in his ear as a shiver went through his body. "Babe." He whispered, it came out breathy, I like knowing I have that effect in him. "We're here!" He yelled in my ear snapping me out of my thoughts. "You shouldn't have done that handsome! You really shouldn't have done that!" I whispered into his ear hoping I had an evil glint in my eye. With that I bit my bottom lip and got out. "Where are we Prince?" "Prince? We're at my special place!" He exclaimed. I looked around taking I my surroundings, there was a big pile of wood, some paint cans, old paintbrushes and nails. Lots of nails! "What is it?" "I'm building a house in my spare time, I don't want to live with my parents forever, and they owned this property, they said I could have it since they aren't going to do anything with it any how. I went got the stuff I needed and I'm building a stable house that I'm going to live in!" He replied, my mouth dropped down. I walked over and whispered in his ear, his mouth formed a smirk as I ran away as he went to catch me.

*End of Flashback*

Allie's P.O.V
I was snapped out of my thoughts when my team mates started hitting their hands on my helmet. I heard them yelling nice job to me but all I could think of was how bad I had it for we Wrangler. I say down once I got in the dugout and collected myself before we had to go back out into the field. I finished off the game as fast as it had started. I pitched nine strikes in a row to end the game. After the game couch didn't have much to say, so Trish and I packed up our bags and walked towards Mike. "Hey Mike!" Trish greeted him with a kiss. When se pulled away she caught a glimpse of Miles. "What are you looking at Trish?" Mike snapped at her. "Nothing!" She said back. "No tell me Trish! What are you looking at?" He snapped back slowly like he was talking to a five year old. "Mike don't treat her like that!" "Don't get into this Allie! This is between me and Trish!" He yelled at me. "Trish what are you looking at!" "Nothing Mike! Jeez! Why can't you just let it go?" "Son of a motherless goat! Trish answer me!" "Miles! I was looking at Miles! Got a problem?" "Yes I have a problem! You're checking out my best friend while I'm your boyfriend!" "I wasn't checking him out! I just saw him that's all! Jeez! Now I see why Allie didn't want to date you!" She yelled back. She took a low blow on the last one. "Trish lets go." I whispered in her ear. She nodded in response. We walked and got in my car, and drove to my house. "You wanna talk about it?" I asked her. "Maybe later. Can I crash at your house? I don't wanna have to drive home or do anything right now. I'll be gone in a few hours." She said, she does this a lot so she really doesn't have to ask. "Yeah sure Trish, you know you're welcome at my house anytime you want. Go crash in Mason's room, I don't wanna wake you when I'm doing homework and with Sammy and J.T." I told her. "Okay, but what about Mason?" "As you said before you'll probably gone in a few hours, if not then I'll pull you by your arms and into my room, then you can sleep in my bed I'll sleep in Sammy's room." "Sorry!" She exclaimed, I knew she was truly sorry, she just doesn't like being at her house, it's always empty and quiet with her parents being gone all day and night. "Don't worry about it, you know you are always welcome. We might just add an extra room for you Trish." I joked, she didn't look amused. "I'm sorry Trish." I apologized. She answered with a head nod, obviously lost in her own world.

When we got to my house Trish was asleep. The good friend that I am, I left her in the car. When I went inside to help Sammy on her homework(her little sister incase you forgot). When Trish didn't come in the house after thirty minutes, I sent J.T. to go drag her lazy butt inside without waking her. "She's heavy!" He complained after putting her in Mason's room. "Maybe you're just weak!" I replied sticking my tongue out. "Hey!" "You need some muscles little man!" I replied squeezing his skinny, boney, little arms. "You know I work out! My muscles just never come in." He muttered the last part, but I could still hear it. "Alrighty then little man, get Sammy we're going to the store." "Okay. Sammy! Get your butt down here! We're going to the store!" He yelled up the stairs from the bottom step, I hope he didn't wake Trish, she's not happy when she gets woken up. "Hey quiet. If I wanted that done then I could've done that!" I whisper yelled chuckling at my little brother's laziness. "I'm here, I'm here. Jeez." She scolded him, but it didn't reach her voice or her eyes, especially not her smile. "Why are you smiling?" She looked at her feet and blushed. "Alright Sammy, we are most definitely talking about this later." I stated making my way out to my car. "Allieeeee! Noooo! I don't want toooooo!" She replied making me laugh. "Now we really are." I stated chuckling at her discomfort. "Sammy gets shotgun." I stated so there would be no argument. The drive was quiet except for Sammy's phone kept vibrating. I bought her a phone for her birthday this year. "Sammy lemme see, I wanna see. Gimme the phone!" I whined. "Can't." She replied simply. "And why not?" "You said your phone is private, and it seems that my phone is too." "Well aren't you sassy today." With that we got out of the car and walked in the store.

"Alright trouble makers, we are going to get what I came here to get and then we are leaving. Any arguments, no baseball for J.T. no texting whoever it is you are texting Sammy. Got it?" "Yes 'em." I knew I had them then, they only said 'yes 'em' when they listened. "Allie what are you getting?" "Some protein and yogurt and other things so you can have protein shakes. One in the morning and one in the afternoon before you work out." I stated proudly. "Thanks Chippy!" He exclaimed before hugging me. He's had the nickname chippy for me since he was one. He doesn't call me that much anymore. "Alright guys we have what we need let's get home."

Mason's P.O.V *while Allie is at the store*

I walked into my room to see a teenage girl sprawled out on my bed. I walked quietly in to see who it was. I saw Trish, having made the mistake before, I didn't wake her up. To my surprise she turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying. I sat on the bed and pulled her into my embrace. "What's wrong kiddo?" She turned her head and looked at me with pain, hurt, and the hardest thing I've ever seen before in Trish, she looked lost. She pulled her self up and snuggled into me and started balling. I whispered into her ear as she cried and cried. Her shirt was covered in snot, and was soaked from tears. "Kiddo, let me get you a shirt to change into." She nodded her head while still lying on my chest. I got up lying her down gently. I gave her the shirt and left the room so she could change. I came back in and laid her down on the bed. I let her cuddle in my arms until she fell asleep.

Allie's P.O.V
"What's up with Trisha?" Mason asked me when we walked in. "Her and Mike broke up." I stated simply. "Wait?! Is she alright?" I questioned him. "She's upstairs sleeping in my room after crying on my chest for a good long time. I gave her one if my shirts to change into and then put her to sleep." He told me, I went over and hugged him. "Your so good to her Mason. Thank you." I muttered into his chest. "Don't thank me yet. You might need her tomorrow, you have an appointment again..."

Okay... I just came up with Allie's secret.

I just had the most traumatic experience ever! I watched my first Nicholas Sparks movie and decided I'm never watching another one in my life!

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