Is It Final?

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Trish's P.O.V

"Hey, beautiful. How're you doing today?" Wrangler questioned me carefully, not wanting to overstep his boundaries...again.

"I'm doing good. How about you, handsome?" I replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Better if that were on another part of my face."

So, I kissed him on his nose. "Better?" I teased.


"Wanna play a game?"

" I get a kiss?"

"Yes. Now, do you wanna okay a game?"

"What game?"

"Ooohhh! Truth or dare!"

"I'm not in the 7th grade, but fine, since I get a kiss."

"Truth or dare?"

"Where's my kiss?" He asked, trying to get out of either the question, or just getting himself a make out session.

So, I leaned in, brushing my lips against his, ever so lightly touching the warm flesh of his lips, until pulling back, smiling, and saying "Truth or dare?"

"Well played. Dare."

"I dare you to...act like an elephant!" I blurted!

"A-act like an elephant?!" He yelled trying to contain his laughter with his hand.

"I could make up another dare, way worse."

So, he started stomping around my basement with an arm swinging wildly in front of him.

"Alright, Truth or dare?"


"What is with girls and choosing truth? It's not like guys have deep questions that can touch the soul, and change the course of events with just one question."

"Any who, ask me my question."

"Have you ever been in love?" Those words had the ability to stop my heart in record time, I had asked myself that question before. I had indeed come up with an answer. But I told myself I would never tell anyone. She was my best friend, screw that, she is my best friend. I couldn't do that to her. She loves Miles. We, are a thing from the past. A blast from the past, as they say.

"Err, yes, I have been, but, I can't do that to her. It's over now, and I can't let her know that. I can't let her know I love him."

"This is about Miles...I know it is. So don't try to hide it Trish. But, you don't have to worry, I'm in love with Allie, and I love you, but like a sister. I never want you gone from my life, but I want Allie to be that missing piece in my heart. And I know, deep down, that she loves me back...I mean, she loved me at one point for a reason, and it wasn't because I was cocky."

I stared at him with wide eyes, and it was probably a picture perfect moment for a photo album. I had tears silently falling with such grace, and character. I didn't hide them either, I just wanted to be loved. I just wanted to be loved by someone! And that's where it started.

"Alright, well, you're a player, so let's play a game. Let's sweet talk. Let's play fight. Let's talk 24/7. Let's tell each other good morning and goodnight every day," by this time, I had started walking forward, and he had started walking back. Now his back was against the wall. "Let's take walks together. Let's give each other nicknames. Let's hang out with each others' friends. Let's go on dates. Let's talk on the phone all night long. Let's hold each other. Let's hug and kiss. But there's one condition."

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