Honey Mooners

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Allie's P.O.V

He walked me to the front door, I took his other hand and led him away from it a little. "What are you doing Allie?" "My brothers are watching us from the windows" I whispered. "Oh" he whispered back. He started to lean in ad much to my surprise I did too. But yet again there was an interruption. "I'll be back soon!" "Masooon" I whined. "What is it Allie?" "Where are you going?" "Uh just to uh... no where!" He stated sounding less then confident. "Mason, where are you going?" "I'm going to Allison's house..." "Awww, Allison and Mason sitting in a tree

k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love" he cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth. I licked his hand, and he pulled it away quickly. "Ha!" "I win" I said teasingly sticking my tongue out. He stuck his tongue out as well " what are you and Matty doing out here in the dark? You kids get inside now!" So that's what we did. I led him up to my room, and we sat down on my bed. He leaned in, so did I, but yet again we were interrupted. Yet this time it was my phone. "Yo Trishy! What's up? Can this wait? I'm busy! What is it?" "Stop asking questions so I can answer one! Yo Allie! Nothing much. No this cannot! What are you busy with? And I'll tell you!" "I'm not busy with something, I'm busy with someone!" "Ohh, who's the someone?" I could basically see her wiggling her eye brows suggestively. "I'm with Matthew-Curtis. What do you want?" "Well then. I was just going to tell you..." "What were you going to tell me? Hurry I'm busy!" "That me and Miles got together!" "That's fantastic!" "Well you go back to whatever it is you and Matty were doing... I bet I know though." "Hey!" "Have fun girly!" "Thanks go have fun with Miles!"

Mike's P.O.V

I stopped by Allie's house, to talk to her. I looked up, and I saw her and Matthew-Curtis in her room together. They were kissing. Nothing could have made me more mad. That should've been me not him, I should be the one kissing her, not him. I wanted her so bad. I tried to hard, I scared her off. I'm so stupid. I start throwing pebbles at her window. The stop at the noise, Allie opens her window and looks down. "What is it that you want Mike?" She says you with such distaste that I want to kill myself. That's just what I'm going to do. I start to storm off as se yells "that's right keep running away from your problems!" I stop dead in my tracks ad turn around with tears in my eyes. "If you were mine to begin with you would come back. But you weren't so I'll stop waiting for you!" I shouted so she could hear me, then I walked off. I walked home, and got out the stuff I wanted. I started downing the pills, one after another. I started to black out web Miles came in my room "NO, gosh dang it Mike!" "Where is my gosh dang phone!?" "Why are you acting like this?" ""Mike you aren't stupid!" "Stay with me buddy, I'm going to get you outa this! I promise!" That's when I blacked out completely.

Allie's P.O.V

"Mike's where?! What in the flippin jumpy teddy bears happened?!" "He's depressed as a kitten after a bath! He wants you! He did this because he thought he had no other choice! Without you, wanting him, and his mom always working to keep their lives up, he didn't have anything to live for." "Which hospital is he at?" "He's at Our Mission, on 74th." "I'll be there in five!" With that I hung up, and jumped in my very hard worked for car. I got there in three minutes, then I had to get passed security and the front desk. "234. 234. 234." I kept repeating to myself under my breath. That's his room number. So it's on the second floor, and the thirty-fourth room. They really got him admitted quickly. "Hey Miles" I whispered. "Hi, have a seat" he got up and had me his seat. I took his big strong hand in my small one. "Hey. I'm so sorry I didn't want this to happen. I wanted you to be happy. I wanted to to be with someone that loves you as much as you love them. I want you to be with someone that loves you in more then a brotherly fashion. I just want you... To be my best friend." I told him that even though he can't respond, and probably can't even hear. He stirred for a second, and I looked up at Miles expectantly. He just shook his head and said "they don think he will wake up, he took a lot of pills. He was popping them like they were candy, when I came into his room he was starting to black out." I started weeping. I cried, and cried. Miles came over picked me up and set me on his lap, he put my head down on his shoulder, and rubbed small circles on my back. I couldn't stop I just cried harder, I just couldn't let my best friend leave me. Not like this. I had I make it right. I had I give him at least one kiss. I had to give him the kiss that he's been waiting for, for such a long time. I put some distance between Miles between Miles and I. I hold up one finger, and wipe away some of my tears. I turn around, and bend down and gently put a small kiss on Mike's lips.

Mike's P.O.V

I heard Allie talking, I see a bright light. I can't go into the light I have to listen to what she says. She's crying, I hate when she cries, it's like seeing a baby bird that's dead, broken and helpless, and already gone. But then again I don't have to see her only hear her, which can be just as bad knowing that I can't even try to do anything. I miss her, and I'm not even gone. I wish I hadn't done this. Just then I feel soft lips against my own chapped ones. I slowly walk into the light as I hear the sound go off. "No, no I can't die I need to be here with Allie, I can't go not yet! I'm not ready! I need to be here!" I tell inside my head. But much to my disappointment, nothing's happens. I hear yelling

Allie's P.O.V

Mike's not responding he's not waking up. The flatline ring went off. The nurses and doctors are scattering around yelling out orders. "Kid get her out of here!" The doctor must be yelling at Miles about getting me out, but I can't move. I'm stuck in my spot, staring at Mike, with tears streaming down my face, all I can think is 'this is all my fault!'


Well I hope it's long enough for ya. I know it's sad. Butttt(hahaha) it will get better... Or will it. Vote if you like Mike, or Matthew. Comment who you think she will go to. Will she stay with Matthew, or will she go back to Mike out of pity of what happened? Who do you like better despite who she's with? Don't forget to vote and comment... Or don't I do not control you!

P.S. I will be updating on Mondays, Wednesday,and Fridays

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