In my mind (part 2)

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They didn't understand what was going on. They focused on the scene and the only one happy there, seemed to be Madison. A song started to play. But it wasn't a wedding song.
{ Song: What we have become by Daughtry }

Black high heels touched the grass. They all turned sadly looking at the bride. She was wearing a beautiful black sparkling dress, it was stapless. She smiled at the one who was going to be her husband. Her hair were down and a crown on her head. She started to walk closer to her future husband. He smiled, he looked so happy. Simone smiled back as Josh started to talk.
We are here today, to make this man and this woman patners for life- he stopped for a second- if someone is againist this union, say it now or shut up forever

Simone's mother looked so proud of her. She was looking stunning and so was Jesse.
No one is opposing...perfect Josh sadly said.

Anna and Deidra glared at her and a tear fell from Deidra's eye. Brent looked disappointed. Lexi and Scorpius glared at each others with pain in their eyes. So Alexia and Crawford, Giorgia wanted to do something but Christian stopped her. She started to cry in silence. Benji and Fede went away because they couldn't stand the situation, they knew she was doing it for them. All of them.
Repeat after me then Josh said to Jesse. He nodded and Josh said:
I, Jesse Drent, take you Simone as my wife, i promise to love you and honor you every single day of my life until death tear us apart

Jesse took the golden ring and slowly putting it into Simone's finger, he repeated the words Josh said:
I, Jesse Drent, take you Simone as my wife, i promise to love you and honor you every single day of my life until death tear us apart

Simone took the other ring and said:
I, promise to love and to cheerish you, in health and sickness, in the good and in the bad times, forever
I do Jesse said.
I d- Simone wasn't able to finish the sentence that a voice interrupted her yelling:
I oppose!

They turned around for see who spoke. Simone as soon as she saw Love shaked her head and said :
Y-you may kiss the bride Josh said as his voice broke at the end.

Jesse kissed her with so much anger and lust mixed together, she didn't do anything. They started to walk down the blue carpet placed on the grass.

Jesse grinned happy in Matt's face. He just felt devastated as Simone passed right next to him and not even looking at him. The scene changed showing Simone living in a castle with three kids and her husband.
Mom, where is dad? one of the babies asked. He looked just like his father but the behavior of his mother. He could be five years old.
He is in the office, working
Why he's always working? I want to play with him! another one of the kids said pounting. She could be three years old, she was the perfect mix between Simone and Jesse.

Simone sighed.
Fine, stay here and play with your sister, i am going to talk with dad she said to the two kids pointing to the one year old baby that looked just like a copy of her.

Simone knocked to the wooden door and without waiting for a reply she opened it.
Hey Jesse said without even looking at his wife.
Hey? That's all i get? Doesn't matter, anyway our kids wants to play with their dad
Can't you see i'm busy? I'm making a plan to take over the world and for us to be finally  happy, then i will spend more time with them
Jesse, is Christmas, can't you take a break?
That's what you don't understand! I am working for us 》
《 BULLSHIT! YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ME OR FOR YOUR KIDS,  I UNDERSTAND YOUR PLAN AND YOUR JOB AND EVERYTHING BUT WE ARE YOUR FAMILY! YOU FORCED ME TO MARRY YOU AT EVERY COST AND NOW...WHAT'S THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS? She yelled running away crying. He never saw her crying before but he shaked it off of his mind and kept on working. Another scene changed. The snow was on the ground, and Simone and Jesse's kids were with Madison while she was going with Brent at a funeral.
How is going with Jesse? Brent asked suddenly. Simone glared down.
Oh i'm sorry
It's okay. Is Matt gonna be here?
No, he is not

Anna was crying and shouting so hard on her husband's coffin. Benjamin wasn't there anymore, killed by Jesse because he was Simone's best friend and he tought he could help her to escape or that she could cheat on him with her best friend, that's why he wanted to kill Fede, Matt and Josh too. Fede and Josh were able to run away from him and so did Matt, that Simone didn't see since the day of the wedding. In the same moment that Anna saw Simone, she attacked her.
This is all your fault! She yelled as Alessia and Giorgia were trying to pull her back.
How could she be her fault? Alessia said trying to defend Simone.
Yeah, it was her husband's decision, not hers, she didn't know about this! Giorgia added.
I don't care! My husband died and it's her fault!!! Anna yelled angry.
He was her best friend, do you really think she would let Jesse kill him?! Brent said this time.

Fire came out of her wand going into Simone's direction but it disappeared before touching Simone's body.
How the heck is that even possible? Giorgia asked.
Fire baby, is my power, anyway i am here to my best friend's funeral if you don't mind She replied passing all of them.
What are you doing? Alessia asked to Anna.
She killed my husband
She didn't, you know Jesse did and he's fucking insane! Alessia whispered/yelled.
Yeah, she saved our lives, remember? Giorgia added.
Yes but- Anna was interrupted by another female voice.
I remember that she loved him like a brother, i know her from a lifetime she wouldn't do that to someone she loves. She just can't

They turned for see a girl with black boots, a black and blue shirt, leather shorts and a belt with all the weapons around her belly and torquoise wings. She realky looked like a warrior.
Deidra, is that you? Anna asked.
The one and only

The scene ended.
This didn't looked like the others Giorgia stated.
What do you mean? 》 Josh asked.
It looked more like...
A vision? Fede asked to Giorgia.
Maybe because it was Benji stated.
What do you mean? Anna asked this time.
Sometimes Angels of Darkness can predict the future Fede explained.
So you can too? Anna asked to them.
Yes they replied in sync.
That's cool but awful at the same time Alexia stated.
But if this is a vision, why Jesse looks like he is the bad guy?

Matt that didn't talk the all time spoke saying:
Because he is. He wants to rule the world, and he is currently looking for a wife
How do you know? Josh asked not trusting him.
I know him and he is working on his plan from a lot of time, he will kill him and whoever tries to stop him, he has the face of an angel and the heart of a demon
Wait, if this was a vision, what were the others? Christian asked.
Emotion and scene they wanted you to feel or see for telling you something Fede explained.
So why we weren't in none of this? Crawford asked this time.
Because they just needed you to know their story and feelings Fede said.

Suddenly, two voices were heard. Simone and Madison's ones but mixed together.
We just discovered Jesse's plan and we need you guys to be ready because another battle is yet to come and is going to be worse than every battle we fought before, so be ready, just know he is really powerful and he has powerful weapons able to kill all of us, including the Katana Killer, now is yours the choice to believe it or not, just know there will be concequences, whatever you choose.

Before they realized, all of them, they weren't anymore in Simone and Madison's minds but in a room of the Hogwarts University and Simone and Madison were lying on the floor next to each others with their eyes closed and not moving.

《 Welcome back my friends 》

They turned around for see Jesse with his arms crossed and the most evil smirk on his face.

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