Stay With Me

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"Don't believe everything you see in there, in that battlefield a lot of people lost themselves, a lot of people died believing their hallucinations were real, now I warned you, it's your choice and fault what you believe to see, what you choose to make real"
That was the last thing they heard from their principal. They were all in the ground and seeing them from the outside, they could all seem to be dead. A song started to play. Benji opened his eyes, he looked paralyzed, he glared at the Grey Sky, he tried to move but slowly so the bruises and scars could hurt less, honestly he didn't know how he was still alive, it had been a bad battle. He glared at his best friend standing five meters away from him. He crawled to him, he didn't open his eyes, Benjamin tried to shake him but nothing, for a moment he panicked but then he remembered he didn't check his heartbeat, so he did and let a breath with relief to realize his best friend was alive. He whispered into his ear: << Fede, we have to get away from here, please Fede don't leave me now >>
In that moment Federico opened his eyes, and tried to stand up but his head was spinning and the scars started to hurt.
<< We have to get away from here >> he repeated. They started to walk until Fede saw Deidra, he started to run towards her but a strong force pushed him away, like a bouncy invisible shield. His eyes started watering.
<< Do you think she's okay? Do you think she's alive? >>  Fede asked to Benji.
<< She's a strong girl, she will be fine >>  Benji said.
<< Okay >> Fede said as they were walking away from where Deidra was. They saw the maze from a long distance, was half destroyed. They knew someone was there, they didn't know what day it was or even what years it was, they just knew they had been asleep for a very long time. From what they knew, they could have been sleeping for just hours or days or maybe months or even years, everyone could have forget about them and they could being stuck there forever. They glanced at each other and flew until they could see two people. They were from different directions because the waves must had thrown them in different areas. The first person they spotted was Josh, and the second one was Anna. Benji left out a scream when he saw her conditions, and he started to cry. She looked lifeless, her dress and body covered of blood, he was the one who had to protect her and he wasn't there when she needed him the most, that was what he couldn't stop thinking.
<< Ben, calm down, she will be alright >> Fede said. Benjamin nodded as they heard someone breathing, they turned around to see who it was and found out that Josh woke up. He was confused and sweating, he didn't have the best look, but neither did Fede or Benji, Fede looked dead inside, and Benji looked pretty much the same.
<< What happened? >> Josh asked to the two guys.
<< We don't remember, the last thing I know is that we were fighting Christian and Crawford and next thing I know, we woke up, and everyone looks dead, I refuse to believe we are the only ones to be alive >>  Fede explained looking at the ground.
<< Well, the last thing I remember was Anna passing out in my arms and that I was calling Deidra's name >> Josh said rubbing the back of his head. Benji felt a hint of jealously knowing Anna fainted into Josh's arms but shakes it away thinking about the all situation. He tried to walk to Anna, at least to hold her but a strong force pushed him back, the same force of Deidra, the same Shield.
<< I will come back soon >>  Benji whispered.
The three boys started to walk until they saw two figures on the ground they knew very well, Madison and Brent. They tried to reach them, to touch them, but it was pointless, that shield was too strong. Other three figures were on the ground, three girls, Alexia, Giorgia and Simone. All of them looked dead. Then From the other side, other three people were on the ground and they were all three, boys. One was Matt, the other was Jesse and the other was Ivan. In that exact moment they heard footsteps behind them, and they turned around to face Scorpius.
<< Scorpius, it's that you? For real? >> Josh questioned.
<< The one and only and no, you're not hallucinating, at least, not yet >> the boy replied. Benji knew that Scorpius was the one that had more information than everyone else that was stuck in there, so he asked him:
<< For how long we have been in here? >>
<< One or two months, but don't worry, there is no way they forget about us, they keep us monitored. >>
Benji left out a breath of relief and Fede started to speak.
<<  Scorpius, I know that Lexi was took out of the game and she's at the school, safe but, do you know or think the others are dead? I mean who was here, I mean look at them, a-a-are we they o-o-only ones to be a-a-alive? >>
It was a hard sentence to pronunce for him, he started to silently crying just at the thought of it. It meant his best friend, his crush, and his other friends were all dead, and his family now was only Benjamin. Benjamin had been his best friend and family since he could remember, but now he had more friends and he liked that, of course he would never leave Benjamin behind, since he considered him more than his best friend, it was more like a brother.
<< It's hard for me to say, but it could be. Like they could all be alive and be just sleeping and look like this just because they are very weak, they could all be dead. But I don't think they are, or at least, I hope it's not like that. >>
<< Give me just a second >>  Benji said walking towards a lake and sat down looking at the view in front of him. Fede followed him, sitting right next to him.
<<  I've already lost too many people in my life >>  he whispered.
<< I know brother, don't forget, we come from the same place >>
<< Yeah, at least I still have you >>
<< Yes, you do >>
In that exact moment, they heard Josh yelling something.
<< Marissa!! Marissa!! I am here, I am so sorry, Marissa come here, I just want to talk!! >>
They turned around and no girl was there. Scorpius put his hand on his head as he realized that Josh had hallucinations.
<< How much it will take for us to end up like him? >> Fede asked Scorpius.
<< More or less, five minutes >>
<< Great, that's really, really... Great >> Benji commented sarcastic.
Meanwhile Giorgia was slowly opening her eyes, she was now standing up, she kept walking until she heard some voices. She knew they weren't real, she knew it was all a plan to take her out of the game, but of one thing, she was sure, a figure running at vampire's speed if not faster, in front of her eyes. Then, in the distance, she saw her boyfriend, and ran towards him, she checked his breath and heartbeat, and he was alive, he was just sleeping. She waited for him to wake up, and when he did, she hugged him and kissed him so hard, she never wanted to let him go. In that exact moment the voices stopped and she smiled. They started to walk, hand in hand, until they saw Josh, Scorpius, Benji and Fede.
<< Giorgia, Chris! You're alive! How are the others? >> Scorpius asked them. She didn't think about it, they could be the only ones to be alive.
<< Dad!!!! >> Fede started to yell, because in his hallucinations he could see his father. Benjamin tried to push him back from going forward, Fede was trying to kicking his best friend away with all the strength in his body.
<< Ben, why you don't want me to hug my father and talk to him? >>
It was an instant and the vision disappeared. Fede glared at Benji, hugged him and cried on his shoulder.  Then Benji looked behind Fede and whispered:
<< Mom..? >>
Fede stared at him walking where the nothing was. He ran to him, and stopped him.
<< Fede, move please, my mom is waiting for me to go to greet her >>
<< Benji! Your mother died a hundred years ago! >>
<< What are you talking about? She's right here >>
<< She's a vision, a hallucination, she's not real >>
<< But I can see... >> he didn't finish the sentence that the vision disappeared.
<< You're right, I am so sorry, thank you for always being by my side >>
<< Thank you too >>
Giorgia glared at all of them and asked if they all could search everyone together and that's what they started to do. She started to feel if Alexia, her sister and Crawford, were alive.
<< Before I saw a figure running >> Giorgia said.
<< That must have been Ivan >> Chris stated. There was that strong shield, but Giorgia was able to break it. She heard her sister's heartbeat, she was breathing, she was alive, then they checked Crawford and he was alive too, they were just sleeping. Then she checked Deidra's one.
<< She's struggling, between life and death >>
Fede started to shake. Then she passed to Brent and said the same thing. She was able to break Jesse's one and said the exact same thing, until she arrived to Matt. She checked more than once and with a broken voice said:
<< Dead >>
They passed to Madison and she, checked more than once and she started to cry as she said the words:
<< Dead >>
She then passed to Simone, her wings, like Madison's ones were grey and not black as they used to, it wasn't hard to realize. Giorgia went there to check her heartbeat but at that point, it was useless.
<< D-dead >>
And the last one was Anna, everyone was hoping for her to be safe but the fate decided that things should go in a different way. Giorgia checked her heartbeat, there was no polse, no heartbeat.
<< Dead >>  Giorgia pronounced. In that moment, Alessia and Crawford woke up, and went to them. After they saw their faces, they suddenly understood that something wasn't right.
<< What happened? >> Alessia asked.
<< Matt, Maddie, Simo and Anna, they are all dead >>  Chris said as his voice almost broke. Giorgia hugged her sister, Chris and Crawford started to cry, Josh started to run and fly, almost going crazy, destroying everything he could find. Scorpius silently cried looking at the ground, while Benji and Fede started to cry violently, to shake, to break things and to scream.
That night, someone lost their crush, the love of their life, their best friend, their friend, their classmates.
And that night they all stared at the sky, wish upon the same stars, the same thing.
' I will do anything to have you back, but please Stay. Because I can't image a life without you, please stay, stay with me now, tomorrow and forever'

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