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They were still in that room. But now they were all awake, feeling really weird.

Anna got up and glared at Josh saying:
I remember now, you saved me

He smiled and took her hand.
Well, love birds, there is no need to flirt right here right now Simone said but suddenly she gasped as her eyes turned light blue for a moment and the rest of her eyes was black. The had this feeling and soon she started to remember.
20 years before...
I love you
I love you more
Her hands locked with a boy's ones. She glared into his icy eyes and smiled. Fede bit his bottom lip and she giggled.
Why are you giggling? Am i funny?
She shaked her head and touched Fede's hair.
No, i am just happy, this is all so perfect
Fede smiled and glared at her.
Yes, it is. And so are you
He leaned in and they kissed. A kind gentle kiss.
They were on a place full of roses. It was spring. Simone shaked a bit.
Something wrong? Fede asked.
No, everything is amazing really, is just that i am not used to this
You will be. You will me my queen and i will be your king in our own castle.
She smiled and kissed him, it was a different kiss this one, full of passion and feeling.
I want to take you in a place Fede said whispering into Simone's ear. She did as he told her and the vision started to spin, since it stopped. They were in a stunning place, like a really really small blue templium on the sea, surronded by ice and the rocks were hit by the waves.
Wow, this place is majestic Simo said shooked by the beauty of the landscape.
I am glad you like it Fede stated kissing her ear. She smiled and took his hand. They sat on the ground as a light wind was messing with their hair. He hugged her from behind and started to ask her some questions.
Why you don't want me to meet your family?
She glared at him, she loved his eyes.
Because i want to enjoy the moment, i feel so happy with you, i don't want to ruin everything, i don't want all this to end
You sure i am not the problem? he asked worried that she could say yes.
How could you be a problem? You're the best person i've ever met and i always ask myself if i am dreaming but i am not she replied glaring at him like he was the most beautiful thing in the entire world.
So you like me?
I do. Do you?
I do
So catch me she said starting to run on the stairs until a bedroom as he followed her. They passed a night of fire together and one of the most beautiful of their lives. Memory of them started spinning so fast in front of Simone's eyes. Everything. Laughs, jokes, tears, kissed, hugs, standing up for each others, dancing, songs, sleepless nights, the happy moments, the dates, the pranks, singing, the places visited, the lust, the love, the wish it would last forever and especially being forced to delete everything from their minds, forgetting about the feelings they had for each others, forgetting about each others.

Simone gasped as she was underwater and she just got out.
I remember now she stated closing her eyes that turned back to her natural color before blanking out.
What does she remembers? Josh asked confused.
Loving me Fede replied with a sad look as his eyes were purple and the part that is usually white, was black, and then he fainted.
What? Deidra questioned but it was like something hit her in a moment. Her head started to spin, her vision was blurry and when she could finally see again, she was seeing one of her memories, it felt so real that there was no way it could be a dream even if she didn't remember.
Your lover someone whispered. Deidra turned around, she was into the woods. Bats just flew up her head.
What is going on? She asked herself.
She started to walk until she arrived to a fountain. She mirrored herself in it until she heard a male voice saying:
I have been waiting for you
She smiled. She knew who that voice belonged to. She looked up for seeing his handsome face.
Josh she whispered as he smiled, came closer and made her do a pirouette on herself. She giggled showing her beautiful smile, he loved it so much, he loved to see her happy. He loved her. Then suddenly he kissed her, he had done it so many times that he lost count but he loved to do it, they were so happy together.
I have an idea, let's escape, just you and me he proposed.
I like the idea. Let's do it! she said starting to run as he chased her.
Can you please stop? I am out of breath he stated and she burst out laughing.
You're lame
I Am not lame! Josh protested as Deidra couldn't stop laughing.
Oh you think this is funny?
It is
Let's see if i trickle you
And he started to do it.
Stop! Please
The scene changed but not before showing her all the good times they passed together when nobody knew about them.
Where were you Deidra? Josh asked glaring at the sky full of stars.
I needed to think
About what?
Future, mostly our future
He walked to the same spot she was standing and glared at her into her deep blue eyes as he locked his hand with hers.
Are you scared?
The girl nodded. In a few moments, another year was yet to come.
I love you Josh, please don't forget me, don't forget what we have right now, don't forget about us
I won't, i promise you. I love you too Deidra, so much that it hurts
They kissed as she placed her other hand on his chest where his heart was. His words were pure and his heart was beating so fast that he couldn't even be able to lie in that moment. A shooting star flew on the sky.
Make a wish
I did, and you?
Same he said smiling and in that moment the fireworks started.
Happy New Year, my love
Deidra smiled and placed her head on his shoulder admiring the fireworks and their colors. Then the scene speeded again until Josh wasn't there anymore, but in front of her, there was a girl, the one and only, Cupid.
What happened to him? Deidra asked not seeing Josh.
He died
What? No!
Calm down, he has given a second chance to live but at one condition, never remembering you, he had to choice between your life and his and he choose to die for you. He never did it for me. I loved him too once.
I can't live an eternity in this pain
I can delete it. I can, if you want
Please do it.
Simone sighed and she did. She felt sorry for it, and she felt like she knew which kind of pain Deidra was going thru.

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