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The first one to wake up was Simone. She got up and broke the door they were closed in with a powerful violence. She went to search for her sister and she found her.
Simone, how do you feel?
Perfectly fine, never been better
Where are the others? Madison questioned.
I don't know, why do you even care?
I don't. I just care where Brent is
I am right here Brent said making the two girls turning around. Madison glared at him as he took some steps forward and they locked hands. Then the three together went to their potion class. Jesse was there, waiting for them. It was December 31, which meant soon, they were going into the new year.
Simone, Madison, Brent, how do you feel? Jesse asked them.
Never been better Simone replied and behind her, six other people appeared.
So, how does it feel to be the winners? Jesse asked to the group.
Winners? Why are we the winners? Giorgia asked.
Because you came back here, it means you won. I bet the others are in the hospital wig Jesse stated.
Yes, they are. How do you know? Benji asked.
Because they aren't here, it means they aren't strong enough Jesse stated once again with a smile, then his look went to the classroom and he shouted:
Let's clap for the winners

And they did it.

Nine of them where by his side, the most powerful creatures. He had Simone, Madison, Deidra, Matt, Brent, Benjamin, Federico, Giorgia and Alessia by his side now.

They all took their sits and

started to prepared the potion wrote on the page where book was opened. Someone patted on Simone's shoulder and she turned around receiving a little note. She opened it and read it, it was from Ivan, one of the hottest vampire boys of all the school. He had fair skin, full red lips, a perfect smile, a sculpted face, gorgeous light blue eyes, and his hair were of a light brown color. The note said:
" Hi cutie. Wanna be my date for tonight? If the answer is yes, meet me at 8pm on the highest tower in front of the blue lake.
With Love,
Ivan "

She glared at him and he winked at her and she smirked at him making him understand she accepted. Matt saw all the scene and some jealousy built up in him. Giorgia and Alessia were asking themselves why their boyfriends were in the hospital wing but shaked it off a bit.

Meanwhile in the hospital wing, Josh, Anna, Crawford and Christian were feeling really bad. Keeping on throwing up, trying to fight the smoke they breathed, letting it out but it was really hard for them. Their all body was fighting againist it and that was just making them feel sick.
Why is this happening to us? Why people like Deidra and the others are just fine? Anna asked trying to get some rest.
They are not fine at all, that smoke let out the most evil part of them Crawford explained.
And people like Deidra, Giorgia, Alexia, Simone, Madison, Benjamin, Federico and especially Matt, are supposed to be evil, is in their nature, they can't fight it, is part of them Christian continued.
You can't blame them Crawford finished.

Josh glared at Anna, he reached her hand and took it.
Josh, can i ask you something? Crawford questioned.
Sure, what is it?
Do you still love Deidra?

He thought for a minute.
I-i was her lover. I loved her so much to even give life for her and i did. I died for her. I choose to die so she could live. No, i don't love her anymore, not like i used to. I mean i care about her and yes i would still died if it means save her but i used to love her like nobody did before. I think that was one of the truest kind of love

Anna listen him and she wasn't feeling mad or jealous, just asked herself how much you could ever love a person in that way, someone that isn't your soulmate but still die to save them, someone that was your lover in a past life too. That is really beautiful. You really care about her.
I do, i always did
Even tho, i think there is someone else that loves her only like a soulmate can do Christian said smiling.
Who? Anna asked curious.
Oh, Josh and Deidra maybe aren't soulmates but neither are Simone and Federico Crawford said smirking.

In that moment, someone appeared in the room.

Giorgia and Alessia were there to see their boyfriends.
How are you? Giorgia asked to Christian passing a hand thru his hair.
I've been better, you?
Never felt better actually Giorgia stated glaring at his smile.
I love you, i missed you so much today Chris said biting his bottom lip as she leaned in and kissed him.
I missed you too, let's get out of here
Giorgia i can't
Of course you can

Christian glared at his brother mentally asking him if he had any idea how to make her understand that he really couldn't.
Crawford, what are you looking at? Alessia asked glaring at her boyfriend.
Nothing, i was just sorry we can't spend the new year together
Who said we can't? Alessia questioned once again and she kissed him.
Oh, i was thinking, you weren't going to stay here as i am in this awful place Crawford said smiling a bit.
Oh i am not.

His smile faided.
You are going to get out of here Alessia stated.
Ale, how much i'd love to, i can't
You just don't want to spend the new year with us Giorgia accused the two boys
Of Course we do!! Christian said.
Then prove it Alessia replied.
How? Crawford questioned. Like this Alessia said as her and Giorgia threw their boyfriends breaking the windows of the hospital wig. It was really high, but the were able to open their big white wings and coming back where the hospital wig was but when they came back Giorgia and Alessia weren't there anymore and they couldn't even ask to Anna and Josh because they fell asleep.

In the same moment the windows broke, Deidra was going to her room when she saw a note under her door saying:
" Dear Deidra,
Would you mind joining me tonight for seeing the fireworks?
If you accept, let's see in front of the Black Lake in 30 minutes

Of course she was going to be there and in that moment she saw Ivan knocking on Simone's door and she came out looking like a princess. She took his arm and they went to dinner. Deidra tried to look good and went in front of the Black Lake where Fede was waiting for her.
You look good
Thanks, you too

The countdown started, Matt was watching the sky from the ball room that was full of door windows. Benji was in his room sat on the ground staring at the sky and Christian and Crawford were searching for their girlfriends, as Anna and Josh woke up just in time and Madison and Brent were on a bench in the Hogwarts University's garden staring at the sky. The fireworks exploded in the sky, and in that moment Deidra and Fede shared a drink, Madison and Brent kissed, Benji finished his painting, in his own way of making art, Matt finished drink some white wine and took his horse going for a ride, Anna and Josh glared at them together, while Jesse was still working on his plan. Simone was looking at the fireworks when Ivan said:
Happy New Year Simone
To you too Ivan

She said holding her glass with some champagne in it before drinking it, then she glared at the fireworks and she smirked to the guy in front of her.

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