Plan for tonight

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A week passed quickly, and so the recover of Anna, Josh, Chris and Crawford. Most people left the Hogwarts University for Christmas or a day before, but other people decide to stay or to visit their family later, for just a week. Deidra and Fede started to hang out and know each others as friends. That night, Maddie, Brent, Simo, Fede, Benji, Deidra, Giorgia, Ale and Matt were in the Dark Forest trying to use their powers together. Josh decided to spy them together with Anna, and at one point, they saw a plant growing from the grass, it was growing higher and strong, more it grow, more it was bigger, it was all coloured, but there was something weird, the falls could be weapons. The flower opened doing a terrible and hard sound that could really hurt someone, then a little fire appeared into the flower that spit pieces of burning glass, then the fire turned into ice where a grey smoke came out and then the ice broke. The petals were now full of blood, burning blood and then, for last, it showed its teeths, that could be the ones of a werewolf.

That plan was a destroying machine, a killer, it was just a little taste of what could come out of all their powers mixed together.
Josh i'm scared
Shh, you don't have to be, i am here for you he assured hugging Anna. She calmed down a little bit until they saw Jesse.
You did an amazing job here the boy complimented.
Thank you Giorgia said in the name of everyone.
I have to sneeze Anna confessed to Josh whispering.
Don't he said like she could control it.

He helped her but was already too late. They heard them. The plan was now in front of them trying to kill them.
What are you doing here? Jesse asked glaring first at Josh, then at Anna.
We were just walking? Anna tried to say but it came out like a question.
Liars Alessia stated.
How can you say she's lying? Josh asked to the girl.
Pretty simple, i am a vampire, i can hear her heartbeat. And her heart right now beats faster than a normal heartbeat should, which means she's scary about us discovering you or that she has heart problems, which i'm 99,9% sure she hasn't. Alessia explained.
Plus the vein in her neck is pounting Giorgia noticed.

Jesse was impressed.
Damn it! Josh cursed under breath.
We can hear you Giorgia made him notice.
What are you doing here anyway? And just know that we suddenly understand if you're lying or not Jesse asked once again pointing the facts.
Let me tell you Jesse, they were spying on us Brent stated.
And why is that? Jesse asked to Josh and Anna.
Because they want to know what we are doing for take us down. Matt explained. Jesse raised an eyebrow.
Oh, yeah? I don't think so. And i wanted you Anna to be my wife! How stupid i was Jesse complained. She felt a bit offended but she couldn't say nothing.
Just go please Jesse said to the two. That nodded and walked away.
Why you let them go? Fede questioned.
You will see. I have a plan in my mind but Simone, i need your help
Later that night...

Deidra and Simone were walking in the forest.
I want to show you something Simone said helding Deidra's hand.
Will it take long?
Okay then

She showed Deidra an invisible door in the middle of nowhere in the floor. A strong light came out of it.
What is this?
A portal. But you don't have to tell to anyone, i hope that if we need this one day, if i forget, you will remember
Okay, i will
Perfect, now i am going to do what Jesse needs to
Are you sure you want to do it?
Sure, tomorrow i am going to leave with Madison, Brent, Giorgia, Crawford, Ale, Chris, and Josh.
Have a safe trip
Thank you. Can you give me a favour?
Can you keep an eye on Matt? Please?
Of course
Thank you

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