Coming back to school

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Simone and Madison were staring at Carson that was playing a game with Josh. Maddie glared out of the window for a second, seeing the landscapes running away under her eyes, she thought about Giorgia and Alessia, who wanted to stay there for two other days to meet their boyfriends' family. They were coming back to the Hogwarts University but she could feel that something was going to ne different, Brent was eating something in the café of the train and she decided to join him, so she got up and went were her boyfriend was. Simone didn't say a thing but she was studying every move of her little brother, until Josh's voice interrupted her thoughts.
« Is everything okay? » he asked her.
« Yes, i was just...thinking »

Josh knew she wasn't feeling right, that was something that tormented her, even if she didn't know. Before he could do any other question she asked:
« Are you happy you're gonna see Anna and Deidra?»
« Yes, i missed them.»

Josh couldn't believe it. They were actually having a normal conversation without her trying to kill him. But he knew she was doing it just because Jesse said she should had to be calm in front of Carson, at least for the all trip, plus she was really tired and wanted to rest. In fact, she fell asleep. Josh glared at her thinking that she wasn't like that, that spell changed her, making her become one of Jesse's minions. « She is beautiful, isn't she? » Carson asked looking at her sister.
« Yes, she is » Josh stated.
« Too bad she hates me »
« She doesn't. She is just angry with her father for what he did, and eventually she will like you » Josh explained to the kid.
« And why she hates you? »
« Because once she loved me too much, and i didn't love her enough, i broke her heart. »
« Oh why? »
« It's hard to explain, let's listen some music »
« Okay » Carson said pressing on the first song on the list. Meanwhile at the University, they were all preparing things for the next fight training, in a bigger arena, and this time two people vs other two people. Anna was talking to Karisma when she saw what they were trying to do with a girl, just for test how strong the arena was, and how much streight the girl had. The rounds were going to be divided in two: the second was a couple fighting another couple and the first one was that every single person was forced blocked on an elettric chair and replied their most hurtful moments. It was a sick game for the pleasure to see who was the strongest.
I don't want to do it anymore
Are you really asking me why? Because is a sick game!
Yes but your name is already on the list. You are partnering with Josh, Deidra, Benji and...Karisma stopped like if she had to decide if saying it or not.
With who? Anna asked anxious.
Jesse and Simone...
Who are your partners?
Matt, Alessia, Madison, Fede, and Kristen
Oh wow
Yeah, where is Deidra? Karisma asked looking around.
I honestly don't know, she should be there 》 Anna said glaring out of the room and then she saw a figure running to an amazing speed towards them.
《 I am hereee!! 》 the girl yelled.
Perfect, so I can tell you who you will be partnering with tomorrow 
Oh yes, tell me
  Anna, Giorgia, Fede,  Josh,  Brent
In that moment, four people stormed in the room. Matt, Jesse, Benji and Fede and they all went to Karisma.
Benji was the one to speak for all of them :
  So we would like to know who our partners are 
Karisma glared at the list searching their names and replied:
  Benjamin, you're partnering with Anna, Fede, Simone, Madison and Jesse - she stopped a second for search Fede and then said- While you Fede, will be partnering with Deidra, Benji, Me, Christian and Madison
The two guys nodded and walked out of the room. Matt and Jesse were there, waiting for their answer as the girl was trying to find their names.
Matt, here you go, you're partnering with Jesse, Me, Simone, Crawford, Madison- she took a pause and then said- While Jesse, is partnering with Anna, Simone, Matt, Josh, and Alessia 》
  Thank you for your time Karisma 》 Jesse said as him and Matt got out of the room.
Two hours later, they were still preparing everything and Josh and Brent came into the room to greet the others.  Josh hugged Anna and Deidra and greeted Karisma.
  Hey, how are you guys? Oh Karisma, what's that list? 》  Josh asked smiling.
It's the list for the partners in tomorrow's games, oh now that you are here, I am going to tell you who you are with 》
Oh yes please 
  Your partners for tomorrow are Deidra, Anna, Jesse, Brent and Simone
  Anyway we are good Josh and you? Deidra asked.
  Oh I am good, thanks, I just missed you guys so much
Same here Anna said with a big smile. In that moment Karisma remembered something:
  And Oh Brent, your partners are- he cut the girl off.
《  I'd like to know tomorrow my partners, if you don't mind   Brent said in a pissed way, that left everyone stuck as he walked out of the room. Madison was there, waiting for him and she hugged him like to make Karisma and every other girls who were looking, glaring or staring at him or drolling over him, that he was only hers. In the distance they could see Simone running after a little kid trying to catch him, but she wasn't happy, in fact she looked stressed out, but Deira spotted Jesse glaring at her in a strange way like he was saying to her: "take him out, try to hurt or kill him and I will do the same with you, I need him"
Karisma and Anna glared at the kid asking:
Who is him?
Deidra glared at him and replied:
  He is Carson, Simone and Madison little brother, and if he's here, is not a good sign, it means troubles are about to come

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