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They turned around to see Ivan. He just said:
<< We should go, they want us back at the University. >>
<< We can't leave the others behind >> Josh said giving a death glare to Ivan.
<< Yes, we can, they are dead, remember? >>
There was a minute of silence. They forgot for a moment for not to feel that vacuum they had in their hearts, for not hearing, their most weak, sentimental part, screaming inside, tearing them slowly apart. So they all got up, and came back to the University. But they never got out if their rooms, if not for studying, or eating.
A week later...
A white smoke filled the place where Anna, Deidra, Simone and the others died. A black smoke got out from Simone and Jesse's bodies. And they opened their eyes, gasping for air. They both fell on the ground and helped each other to stand up.
<< What happened? >> Simone questioned.
<< We died >> Jesse replied.
<< So what is this? Are we in Heaven or Hell and waiting to be judge? >>
<< No, actually we came back to Life >> Jesse stated.
<< How is that even possible? >>
<< I have no idea >>
In that moment they saw the Same thing happening to Deidra. Simone hold her for not letting her beat her head now that she was very weak.
<< How do you feel? >>
<< Weak. My head Is spinning. Where are we? >> Deidra asked.
<< In the same place we died >> Simone stated.
<< Are we ghosts? >>
<< I've Never considered that as an option >> Jesse said.
<< Maybe you should, just sayin' >>
Deidra said Looking around. After Deidra was able to do everything she usually did, her and Simone went for a walk while Jesse, was there staring at Anna, thinking what could have happened if things would have gone in a completely different way. But the past was the past. He glared at his best friend remembering all the good times together from when they were kids. And now, he was gone. Maybe not really, maybe they could come back to life but why it was taking so long? He then glanced at Simone and Deidra, they were sit in front of the lake, Simone was talking staring at the water and Deidra was listening. They were quietly talking, smiling and even a laugh escaped.
<< What do you regret most About being human? >> Simone asked to Deidra. The girl glanced down and replied:
<<   Humans are so weak, controlled by feeling, thinking about integrity, they do whatever they think it's right or sometimes, they just want to do what's wrong. When they often get killed by their pride. I can't think of something like that. But i envy them, from a certain point. Because they grow old, they die, they have a ton of relationships and they make a family. I am a creature that lives on this world from a lot of time, and i have none of this things. I am evil, i feel evil, and i don't want that. And you know what's the worst thing? You're the closest Person to a friend that i have. >>
She had a blank look lost into the lake.
<<  Well, what about Anna? She's your friend more than i can be >> Simone stated.
<< Simone Cupid Hunter, i have know you from more than fifty years, i've met Anna just this year, for how much we both hate to admit it, we do care about the other, and we are the closest to Friends, but not enough to be actually considered  Friends. >>
Deidra said getting up as she went to check the situation of the others. She saw a part of that place, was now filled with a grey smoke, meaning someone else woke up. Meanwhile Jesse sat next to Simone.
<<  It's Kinda cold here >> Jesse stated.
<< You're right >> Simone said turning a small fire on with her powers.
<< Now it's a lot Better >> 
<< Yeah, Jesse what do you think About all this situation? >>
<< What do you mean? >>
<< Pretending. Pretending we all don't know each others when we all met in the past, Jesse i know a part of you, of your life. We have Been together for a while, remember? I know you're older than me, i know you are stuck at the age of twenty teo years old, i know Matt is your best friend, i know you want to rule the world, i know how many lives you took, but i know that even if you're evil, you have a soft human side. At the end, you're an angel even if you act like a completely different creature, you were born as an angel, i know that. I also know about your daughter.  >>
Jesse was a mix of shocked, confused, and surprised.
<< My daughter? How can you- >>
She cut him off.
<<  It wasn't difficult to understand. That little girl was your small copy, you dated Anna, you two were lovers, oh, i Remember Skylar, she was such a smart kid, so beautiful, she could have a great future. I'm actually very sorry for how it ended. I remember Anna was shattered. I remember you made her forget everything, you made her forget that Skylar was even born. Why? She is a strong woman >>
<<  I don't think anymore can handle that type of pain >>  Jesse said then realizing the mistake he made saying that.
<< You did...i did...>>  Simone stated.
<< I'm so sorry >>  Jesse said.
<< It's okay, i guess >>
Suddenly they heard a loud noise, they turned around to see Deidra taking out a piece of glass from her body and then, they saw Anna, apologizing to Deidra for what she did. Finally, she woke up, but she was scared, worried, something was wrong. She glared at Jesse and said:
<< I hate you! I hate you! You were her father! You took her away from me!! Now i know everything. Why you made me forget everything? >>
<< I didn't know if you could handle the pain, i did everything for you because i care about you! Please Anna forgive me >>  Jesse tried to explain.
<< No, i wo->>  she was about to finish  when she fell in Jesse's arms. She was weak at the moment, okay, but that wasn't her feeling weak, someone shooted her from behind and then escaped and that meant only one thing. Someone else has awoke and their intentions weren't good at all.

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