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It was snowing. Simone was outside. She was well dressed as always. That day she was wearing a light green jumper, black skinny jeans and high pink boots and a red scarf with a black beanie and a black leather jacket. She closed her eyes remembering about her father. She remembered when she used to go to a therapist. A flashback from when she was twelve hit her.
"I Honestly think is funny that parents and people when you are a kid told you to stay away from strangers, to stay away from monsters, but what happen if you become the Stranger they always tell you to stay away from? What Happen if you are the Monster? Because this is what i am and i can't control it."

She teleported herself in the human world, in front of an elementary school. The bell rang and the parents were taking their kids, but there was a kid, that wasn't going to be taken by his parents that day. Why? Because they were dead and that day, Simone discovered his grandma, was dead too. As soon as he saw her, he wanted to run away scared but she blocked him.
Where do you think you're going?
H-home gradma told me she would bake me c-cookies the kid answered shaking.
Your grandmother is dead Simone said with no touch.
R-really? he asked shaking even more. She nodded and he started to cry violently. She rolled her eyes, she didn't even know why she was there, that kid was a mistake her father did. He cheated on her mother and went with a human, and she got pregnant and had a kid. He had white skin, brown hair and big deep brown eyes, he was cute and smart enough for his seven years old, his name was Carson.
So where i am going to stay? he asked wiping his tears away.
From me and Madison, we are the only family left that you have, and now give me your hand

He did and they teleported back in front of her mother's house.
Wow! That was cool
Yeah, don't get used to that, and stay here, don't move
Okay he said sitting in the snow. She knocked on the door and Madison opened but then she saw Carson.
What is he doing here? Maddie asked in a rude way.
His gradma died today
I don't want him here
Why, you think that i do? I am going to get rid of him very soon

Their mother appeared in front of the door and saw the kid, it hurted her so much to see him but it wasn't his fault,so she invited him in. Simo and Maddie gave her deadly glares and she just replied with a:
He is just a kid, he doesn't have any fault
Just the fact that he was born, is his fault Simone said as Madison suddenly added:
Yeah, i agree

And in that moment Carson started to cry.
Now he wants to do the victim, pathetic! Madison spat
Maddie, he's just a child!

She mocked her mother and went out. He started to cry harder. In that moment Josh saw him and came closer to him.
Hey, i am Josh. What's your name and why are you crying? he asked wiping the kid's tears away.
《 I am Carson. They told me it was better if i was never born
Please Josh, don't make things harder than they already are Helen said.
But i was just trying to help
We don't need your help, remember, you're not welcome here
I know, i'm sorry, bye Carson

In that moment he hear Simone saying to her sister and her boyfriend:
Fine, i'll get rid of him

And in that moment she stormed into the room and took Carson from one arm as he was struggling in pain and throw him in the snow. He was hurted but he got up.
P-please don't kill me he said sobbing.
Prayers or bugging me, won't help, you have to face your destiny, ready or not, i don't care 

She throw a ball of an elettric energy and he fell. Then she tried to hit him with some lightning but he protected himself with a black shelder even if he was scared as hell. She glared at him and walked where he was and yelled:
Madison, Brent! Call Jesse, we need him to see this!

Brent ran to search for Jesse but in the meanwhile Giorgia and Alessia were trying to study him like he was some weird sort of alien.
So, what are his skills? Giorgia questioned.
We just discovered one at the moment Madison replied.
So he's a shelder? Alessia asked.
Yeah you can say so i guess Madison replied.
He will be very helpful in the battles Alessia stated.
How much time is Jesse taking? Giorgia questioned quickly glaring at the clock.
He should be here in five minutes or less
You guys think it's right to use a little kid? Even you Ale? Crawford asked looking into his girlfriend's eyes as his hands grabbed her shoulders.
Yes i do and you should too. With me or againist me. Your choice she said as her eyes turned red. He jumped in fear and took three steps back.
I-i am with y-you
Really brother? Christian asked glaring at Crawford disappointed.
Did you see it? Crawford questioned to his brother like he was crazy to not realize what was going on.
Yes i did. But i won't let my girlfriend stop me from what i think it's wrong! Christian exclamed.
Are you sure? Giorgia asked him with the expression of someone that wants to make that person change their mind otherwise it could end really bad.
Yes i am sure Christian stated seeing his girlfriend's eyes turning really red. She walked up to him really calm and put a hand on his chest.
You made the wrong choice she said throwing him againist a tree. He hurted his head but stood up. Giorgia had an evil smirk on her face, and asked once again:
What do you think now?
That you are right he said touching his head. At the end, he tought, they would use him to battle or to help them, of course he was going to protect him if he would see something way too wrong coming from anyone. In that moment Jesse decided to show up. He went to the kid and smiled greeting him.
Hi, you must be Carson, i'm Jesse, nice to meet you, your sisters told me you have an incredible power, can you show it to me?

The kid nodded happy and showed Jesse his power. Jesse smiled happy to Carson which made the kid smile too.
Maddie, Simo, you were right, he is going to be a lot useful then he turned to talk to Carson.
So Carson, we are friends now, right?
Yes! 》 Carson said happy.
That's great! So now you have a power which makes you a hero, and i really need a hero by my side. Are you down to work with me?

The kid nodded happy and proud of himself.

Then he turned to the others saying:
We will come back in two days and we will take Carson with us
But Jesse! Maddie tried to protest but he cut her off.
I made my decision
That's not happening! How we are even going to hide that kid so others cannot see him? Brent asked.
We will find a way Jesse quickly said disappearing in the woods. And they all came back inside with anyone wanting to kill Carson except for Josh, Christian, Crawford and Helen. 

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