What we have become

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What do you want from us? Anna asked to Jesse.
I want to rule the world, i will start with the magic one for take over the muggle's one too and i need you to help me   Jesse explained.
Why? Christian asked.
Because you are strong, and you can help me destroy the others or i will destroy you
We will never help you in your plan! Crawford yelled.
Well, you will pay the consequences then Jesse said with a sarcastic smile. Then he turned to Anna and placed his right hand on her left cheek.
You neither? Come with me and we will live a happy life, we will get married on a island, i will buy you a horse and we will ride until the sun sets

She glared into his eyes, she couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or lying, he has always been so kind with her.
Really? she asked remembering what he did to Simone in the vision.

He maybe would really buy her all those stuff but never having time for her, she could never have his heart, but maybe with her, it would have been different, if only she knew what to answer...but in that moment Josh yelled to her:
Anna! Don't let him fool you! Remember the vision?

She did.
Anna, don't do that, please Benji said.
So what do you say Anna? Jesse asked without listening to the two guys.
I don't know
Anna he is evil Giorgia commented.
You won't be happy with him in your life Alessia said.

Jesse pointed his wand to the two girls as they turned into ravens but it hit them the same.
You Jerk! Deidra yelled throwing a knife at him but he skipped it.
STOP EVERYTHING NOW A female voice yelled.

They turned around for see Madison standing up and holding what looked like a little bottle of parfum with some black liquid on the inside.
Maddie Brent whispered.
Hello my love she replied breaking the little bottle on the floor and giving him a kiss. The black liquid turned into black smoke, she broke the kiss and went out of the room with Jesse.
That was a really nice job you did Jesse said as Madison closed the door when she saw them collapsing on the ground.
Yeah, it was nothing, the important thing is that i get to be with Brent for all my life Madison said glaring at Jesse drinking his butterbeer.
You will. Nothing will change between you and him, this my dear Maddie, is a promise Jesse stated.

Meanwhile in the room something weird was happening. 15 Years Before...

Giorgia was running around looking for someone to be her pray, she was watching some kids playing in the park, no, kids has to live their life. She haunted in the human world a lot, it was the day of Halloween, so she could be herself and people would think she was wearing a costume. Her crimson eyes were showing, she decided she was going to a Halloween's party. She knew this girl who invited her, that was an Angel of Darkness. She turned around for see her sister.
Alexia, what are you doing here?
The same you're doing, haunting the girl said winking to her sister. Giorgia shaked her head and started to dance, trying to be careful to catch her pray without been seen. She spotted two perfect prays.
The boy is mine Alessia stated making Giorgia jumping because she didn't hear her.
You get scared easily, don't you? Alessia joked grinning a little.
No, i was just thinking about my pray
Oh she's perfect, classic school cheerleader, petty and sassy, thinking she's the queen and she can do whatever she wants, treat them like her toys, the classic type who gets what she wants at every cost, no matter who gets hurt in the process Alexia whispered to Giorgia as her thirst was becoming more strong every minute that was passing. She went to the girl, taking her out of the house while Alexia did the same with the boy, that supposed to be the girl's boyfriend.
Who are you and what you want from us? the boy asked scared.
Shut up! Alexia yelled biting him on the neck. The girl started to scream scared but Giorgia hit her on the head and then started drinking her blood.
That was a good meal sister Alessia stated.
It actually was
Look at the moon is like...changing color?
Yeah, is purple Giorgia stated. It never happened before, that was supposed to mean something. Something moved.
Giorgia, do you feel observed too?
Yeah, let's go away from here

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