Fighting You

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A week passed from the game. The students were all sleeping in bed, until a strong, loud noise woke everyone up.
What the heck is this?! Giorgia yelled to her sister pressing her hands against her ears.
I don't know!!!! Alessia yelled back doing the same thing. They got up, took a shower, dressed and then went to the Great Hall. They looked around and the first thing they saw, we students standing and as soon as they started to walk into the room, the other students moved in two sides of the room for let them pass in the middle. In the end, at the center of the room, the principal was there. But what they saw was that he a had a paper, where there were some names. He smiled at them and said:
Oh Misses Mendes, you're just in time!! I was about to call your names. 》
The two sisters glared at each other knowing what he was talking about. The Last Fight. It was like a tournament but kinda different. They had to fight against a lot of people. Only the strongest creatures considered to be chosen for those roles. The two girls walked where the principal was and sat on two of the chairs. Then the Principal started to call the names of the other students.
Josh Golden!
Well, at least he wasn't one of the worst, but they knew that was just the beginning and before they could realize it, the principal had already called another name, which was Anna Stewart.
Christian and Crawford Collins!!
Now they were happy that their boyfriends would be next them.
Deidra Starlight!
Then, after Deidra, Brent was called. After Brent, Matt and Jesse, after them Lexi and Scorpius, then Benjamin and Federico
And Last but not least, Misses Hunter and Mr Martinez 》
Then the Principal started to explain the rules of the game.
So you will all wake up in different places, you will have to find each other and fight, but you will have first to try how hard you can resist to your own powers to be find by others, you can choose to fight together, but you can fight other people with a maximum of three people. Everything can happen there, people can go crazy there, and yes, before you ask, there is a possibility to die. So, ready or not, here we go he said pressing a button. Every single chair was locked as the chosen student got injected with a sleeping serum. The chairs started to fall down from the pavement taking them in different places. The chairs disappeared leaving them lied on the ground. A song started to play, a really sad song. Simone woke up and the first thing she saw was the grey sky, she realized that she was in a forest, she wanted to get up, she felt weak, so she grabbed the first thing her hands touched but she felt really cold, then she turned her head realizing it was snow. She was trying so hard to get up, but for how hard she tried, she was just able to sit. She tried to stand on her feet but she fell right after. She took her crystal wand and shoot fire to the sky, but it wasn't enough for the others to see her,so she decided to melt all the snow, that turned into water. Slowly she felt like a rush of power in her all body, and she knew she was slowly getting her strength and powers back. She opened her wings and tried to stand on her feet, but this time, she didn't fall. She smirked and got up in the sky, she started to burn the forest down, the flames were so high and so much that it looked like hell, a storm of lava and lightnings added, were destroying all the forest. She took her bow and shot an arrow in the sky, and as soon as the arrow touched it, a heart of fire formed in the sky. From the other side, she saw a town, completely destroyed. People died suffocating, and a black fog running around, a rain of metal and gold from the sky, and a strong wind, filled the heart she made with a black shining color, and the electricity was so strong in the air, she could barely breathe. She knew who was. And it was better having him as a friend than having him as an enemy. So she started to fly where the people was calling his name:
Love! Matt! 》
Simone! Cupid! I am here!
She ran and saw him. They stopped halfway because a loud noise broke the silence. She took his hand before the ground started to fall under their feet, he pushed her into his arms because she didn't react so fast to be able to open her wings. They were very close, looking into each other's eyes, before the ground started to trembling again. They opened their wings and now they were up the sky, glaring down to see Lava everywhere.
Someone scared Simone almost making her fall but she was able to come back where she was. The person left an evil laugh come out of their body, they turned around to see Jesse looking at them like he didn't do not.
I hate your angel face Jesse Simone stated and he smirked replying with a:
I know you love me
She just rolled her eyes pissed as they went to look for other people to fight. In the distance she could see a frozen village, covered of beautiful plants, she realized her sister should be there or very near, but in that moment she realized that she had to fight against her sister and she wasn't ready. They went to step in but two wolves were in front of them ready to fight. Madison showed up in all her glory looking like a godness. She had high icy light blue boots, an icy ocean blue corset and on everything, a white coat with the last buttons opened showing her legs.
Hey, finally you're here. I never thought I would fight against my own sister it seems like I have to She said with a smirk.
Maddie, I really don't want to fight with you Simone said tired.
Maybe you don't buy I've been waiting all my life for this day to come and now I can be able to beat you. She said throwing a ball of ice at Simone that made her fell on the ground while the two werewolves growled.
I don't think it's safe for Lexi to battle Jesse stated. Everyone of them knew she was pregnant. The brown wolf tried to attack and fight with Matt, while the grey one attacked Jesse but he, just with one of his moves, he knocked the wolf to the ground as it came back to her human Form. Lexi was now on the ground, throwing up on the snow and she was called out of the game, as her presence suddenly disappeared and appeared in the Great Hall. Jesse helped Simone to get up until Matt was still busy fighting with Brent, and they were going to face Maddie, but she kept on taking some steps backwards. Meanwhile in the distance, a calm relaxing song started to play as Anna woke up, the first thing she saw was the clear sky above her, birds singing was what she could hear, everything seemed to be peaceful. The only thing that was a bit weird, was that she could feel her hands and the rest of her body except for her head, neck, and chest, wet. Covered by a warm liquid, she had a white soft dress on, but as she looked down, she saw that she was in a small river, but what shocked her the most, it was realizing that the water was not of a crystal limpid color, but it was crimson. She thought that maybe she had her period but then she realized it wasn't so. The blood wasn't coming from her thighs but from her arms, hands and legs. She screamt in horror and she tried to get on the ground, as soon as she was out of the river, she saw all her dress covered in blood, she started to run, strangely her shoes weren't covered in blood. She started to feel cold as soon as she started to run, the clear blue sky turned into a deep Grey one, and it started to rain, she slipped and fell on the ground, she felt her left arm burning, she turned and saw it had a nasty bruise on it. She tried to shake it off, she got up, and took out her wand. In the distance she heard a familiar voice yelling her name, she turned around to see who it was but she found herself in front of a thirsty werewolf-vampire Alessia, but she wasn't the one who called her name. She yelled an 'expelliamus' for let the girl fly until she hit a tree with her own body. But Alexia didn't seem to calm down, but now, she was angrier and tried to jump on Anna but she was fast enough to skip her but vampires were faster than lights so one minute she could be in front of her and the other minute she could be behind her sucking her blood and the fact that she had the all dress covered of blood, for sure wasn't helping at all. Anna heard someone yell her name once again but this time she recognized Deidra's voice. Alexia was just about to bite her when and without she could realize it, she was grabbed by the waist and was now flying up in the air. She looked down and she left a heavy breath, then she turned to see a pair of big torquoise wings. She saved her life. Deidra saved her life. A loud scream was coming from the maze, and Deidra flew in that direction. Standing on the ground in pain, was Josh. His shirt was cut open and he had a big scar, and he was losing a lot of blood and barely breathing. Anna and Deidra tried to heal it before it was too late, and when they were sure his health wasn't in danger anymore they started to question him about the situation.
<< Giorgia did it, but she was not alone, she was with some kind of demon, I don't know who that person is to be honest, I just know she turned into a vampire and made me see things that weren't there, I tried to fight, fly away from them, but they were faster, I kept on using my powers, and I hurted them twice, but they got angrier and angrier and seemed like they didn't feel the pain at all, Giorgia tried to bite me many times but I was able to fight so she couldn't bite me, while the demon, with his poisoned claws was able to create this. I tried to fly as fast as I could to get away from them until the pain was too much to take and I had to stay here. >>
Anna glanced at Deidra worried and the girl reciprocated the same glance. In that exact moment they hear a loud thunder. Flash lights were coming from one part to another and while Anna was there with Josh, Deidra flew in the air for see what was going on. But what she saw shocked her, Alessia and Giorgia were on the ground next to each other and looked lifeless, Christian and Crawford were fighting with all their streight against Benjamin and Federico. Then she turned around for see Matt and a wolf that came back into his human Form, both on the ground, covered in blood, Madison and Simone covered with blood, bruises and barely breathing and Jesse fighting the famous demon that turned out to be Ivan. Josh now gave Anna a better glance and noticed that she was covered of blood.
<< Anna what happened to you?! >> he yelled.
<< Oh, nothing, it's a long story but I am fine n... >> she wasn't able to finish the sentence that her head started to spin very fast and she fainted into his arms. He scared to hell yelled Deidra's name at the top of his lungs, and she was coming to him until she saw something moving, like transparent waves with the shape of a circle that were loud as thunders if not louder, and when it hit her, her body fell smashing to the ground. Josh had a different feeling, he felt like his head was now empty and like he was about to pass out, then suddenly everything turned black.

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