Chapter 4: Jessica's Discovery

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Chapter Four, Jessica's Discovery

Jessica awoke early the next morning; showered, brushed her hair and teeth.

She then chose a pretty purple top and a nice pair of jean shorts.

Jessica scribbled a quick note to Lindsay before leaving their room.

The note read; Out for a walk, -Jessica.

Jessica yawned and stretched as she shut the door quietly and continued down the hallway. As she rounded a corner she bumped into some thing hard.

"Ow, watch where you're going Jessica." John said smiling.

"Oh, hey John." Jessica said before continuing walking toward the main door that lead to the outside of the school.

John followed her, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going for a walk in the forest, it's very peaceful there." Jessica replied.

"Can I come with you?" John asked.

"Sure, why not." Jessica said as she opened the large oak door.

As she stepped outside, the warm morning sun tickled her face. The sunrays bounced off her long brown hair, and her eyes shone. The world seemed to be bathed in a soft peaceful glow. As John and Jessica walked into the forest, Jessica heard something.

"John, do you hear that?" she asked.

"I don't hear anything." John replied looking at her oddly.

"No, I hear it more now, somebody's in trouble!" Jessica yelled running toward the voice calling for help.

John ran after her. Jessica kept running toward the voice until they reached a clearing in the woods.

"It's here, somewhere." she said.

"I still don't hear anything Jessica." John said tiredly.

Just then Jessica caught sight of a small wolf pup caught in a trap. Jessica pointed it out to John, who turned into a wolf and began howling, and yipping at it. The wolf pup yipped too, so Jessica assumed they were talking in wolf. Jessica knelt down and began freeing the wolf from the trap.

"It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." she said to the struggling wolf pup. She finally freed the puppy.

"Thank you." the puppy said.

"Don't mention it." Jessica replied.

The pup sprinted off into the forest to find its mother, while Jessica sat down on a nearby log. Jessica turned to John, a look of shock in his green eyes.

"What?" Jessica asked. John suddenly turned human and looked at her open mouthed.

The thought suddenly hit Jessica; Did I just talk to a wolf?

John gaped at her. "Jessica, I can understand wolves, I am one after all, but after the puppy thanked you, you replied to it... in wolf language!"

"What! I did?" Jessica asked standing up from the log.

"...Yea, you did." John said staring at her.

Jessica started walking slowly to the entrance of the forest, when she saw a small bird.

"Excuse me bird, but can you understand what I'm saying to you right now?" Jessica asked feeling a bit stupid for talking to a bird that had no idea what she was saying.

"Perfectly." said the bird before flying away.

"...Jessica, you just twittered like a bird!" John said his eyes wide.

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