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Part of me was glad to finally be home. I was astonished to discover that no time had passed in this world while I was away. My parents seemed to have lightened up on me, and Abigail would be home soon when school started up in a few weeks. Another part of me was deeply grieving. I was miserable for days, until I discovered my ability to talk to animals remained. The squirrel outside my window was so shocked when I asked him to please stop chattering so I could cry in peace, that he nearly fell off the windowsill. I was equally surprised, and we eventually became great friends.

For half a year, I didn't go near the cave where my adventure had started. I was trying to repair my broken heart, and going there would remind me off all the friends I'd left behind. However, one day during winter break, my curiosity got the better of me. My parents were out, and Abigail was visiting her grandparents. I'd already done my homework, and I'd had nothing else to do. I still had my necklace with the star-shaped pendant, though I'd buried it at the bottom of my jewelry box in my grief. When I put it on again I felt the familiar tingle of magic. Unfortunately, I couldn't summon up great big storms like I did in the other world. Here, the most I could do was summon the odd gust of wind, or alter the amount of rainfall a few millimeters.

When I stepped into the cave for the first time it felt as though no time had passed since I'd last been here, half a year ago. I'd promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore, as I was almost 16, but I couldn't help it. I sat down and willed the portal to re-open for me, even though I knew it was impossible. I repeated this procedure for nearly another half year until I almost gave up. One day in late June however, something changed. The air felt charged in the cave, and when I tried re-opening the portal, a purple spark appeared, and then so did the portal. I was so shocked I sat there for a few minutes, pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

After my arm was red from the elbow down, I jumped into the portal and ran through the forest. Nothing seemed to have change. I ran through the town to the school, and rapped on the door. There was a large statue of my pendant, and a dedication outside the school in my honour. The astonished guard let me in and I ran straight to the courtyard. Jasper and Matt were chatting about something, while Tom and Marie played hide-and-go-seek. Everyone looked a little older, and when Lindsay noticed me she jumped up and screamed, "It's Jessica!" Matt actually fell over, and Jasper stood there gaping. Marie and Tom immediately ran over and hugged me with Lindsay. I was so happy to be back! When I went to the meadow, promising I'd be back as soon as I found John, it looked better than ever. All evidence of the fire had vanished, and there were even more flowers than ever before. I spotted John in our usual spot, but stopped once I saw his eyes.

They weren't the sparkling emerald I remembered, they were dull and lifeless. According to the others, he'd been keeping to himself since I'd left. His hair was longer now, and he had the faint hint of stubble on his chin. He looked so miserable, and didn't notice me until I sat down beside him, laced my fingertips through his and said, "Hey, I'm back, now you've got to cheer up. No matter what."

He'd practically crushed me with his hug as his eyes lit up the brightest shade of emerald green I'd ever seen. We began again exactly where we left off, and to this day he still taunts me with "I told you so," about the portal one day being resurrected.

According to Henry, nothing like this had ever happened before, but somehow I'd gotten much stronger and should be able to resurrect the portal whenever I wished. To this day, I still visit almost daily.

Some people say that magic doesn't exist in the world, but I know differently. Theoretically, falling into a world within this would that contains magic should be impossible. But I know this isn't the case. I never told anyone about my adventures, or about the single rose I keep hidden in my favorite book. Often, I catch people gazing at the picture of a wolf with glowing green eyes on my dresser. Occasionally, someone asks me about it, and I always answer them with the same simple question; "Do you believe in magic?"

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