Chapter 9: John's 16th Birthday Party

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Chapter nine, John's 16th Birthday Party

Jessica had slept in and found a note taped to her door as she was heading downstairs after getting dressed, and cleaning Lindsay's and her room a bit.

The note read; "Jessica, I'm not sure if you know this yet, but the day you arrived in our world was Johnny's 15th birthday. It's been pretty chaotic since then, so he didn't have a birthday party. Lindsay, Myself, and a few others kids are putting together a late surprise birthday party for Johnny. Could you keep him busy for a few hours? We're setting up in the ball room, so keep him away from it. We thought we'd have some dancing, a band, and the usual stuff. We'll see you at dinner, and then we'll start the party. I'll fill you in at dinner of any changes." - Matt

Jessica looked at her watch; it was 2:30pm. Dinner was at 5:30pm, so she had to keep John busy for three hours. She decided John's room was the best place to look for him, so she walked over. A few minutes later she arrived at John and Matt's room, and knocked on the door.

John opened the door a few seconds later, "Oh, hey Jessica. Matt said to wait here for some reason, and that you were going to stop by. Weird eh?"

"Yeah, do you want to go for a walk with me?" she asked.

"Sure." John stepped out of his room and shut the door. "I know the perfect place too." he said smiling.

Jessica followed John out through the main doors, and out into the glorious afternoon sunshine.

"Where is Matt anyway? He took off after he told me to stay in our room, and he said that Lindsay was going shopping for the day." John asked confused.

Jessica smiled and patted his arm. "That's a good question, where should I tell him Matt is?" Jessica wondered. "Um... I think uh, Matt went shopping with Lindsay for new socks!" Jessica blurted out suddenly. She immediately whished she'd said something else. "Nice job Jessica, real smooth, he'll never suspect anything. Matt is totally into shopping." Jessica thought sarcastically.

John just starred at her oddly for a few moments before saying, "Here we are."

Jessica gasped, it was beautiful, a long field full of wild flowers as far as the eye could see. She stood on the small grassy hill taking in the breathtaking sight before her when she herd John ask, "Shall we proceed my lady?" He said in a prince-like voice with a fake British accent.

John extended his arm and Jessica took it, "Yes, let's shall!" she said giggling. "Well my lady, we don't have a horse for you to take down this hill I'm afraid, but we do have a form of transportation that might strike your fancy." John said in his fake British accent.

"Oh, and what might that be?" Jessica asked smiling.

John's eyes danced as he smiled and whispered in her ear very softly, "This."

John transformed into a wolf and motioned for Jessica to climb on his back.

Jessica squealed with delight and climbed on his back. "Giddy-up wolf!" she yelled.

John took off down the hill and howled all the way down. Jessica spread her arms in the air and smiled, it was like flying. Her brown hair streamed out behind her and her dark eyes sparkled. The sunlight bounced off John's fur making it shimmer and shine.

As they neared the bottom of the hill, John turned human form, giving Jessica a piggy back the rest of the way down the hill. When they reached the bottom of the hill Jessica slid off John's back.

She and lay down in the large field full of wild flowers. John lay down beside her and picked her a flower. He then smiled and wove it into her long hair. She smiled and closed her eyes; she never wanted this moment of pure bliss to end. She opened her eyes and turned her head to see that John had rolled over and was staring at her.

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