Chapter 23: When Forever Ends

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Chapter 23, When Forever Ends

Jessica lay cuddled against John in the field of flowers by the forest. No longer was the land scorched. The sun's fingertips tickled the sky, until the clouds turned pink and purple. It was a glorious sunset. Monochromatic warm tones faded into each other, as though the sky was a canvas. Jessica sighed and leaned back against John. She felt content and safe. John kissed her cheek and she gazed up at him. His features were outlined in gold, and the green strands in his eyes shimmered. He was grinning down at her, and actually looked like a love struck puppy. She smiled at the pun. John... her puppy. The whole predicament with Blackdeath felt like a dream now.

"Jess...?" His voice sounded like honey.


"Did I tell you I love you?"

"If I say no, will you say it again?"

"Depends..." He grinned, hugging her.

"Well, I don't think I ever heard you say it," she teased.

"Really? Not very chivalrous now am I?"

"Nope," she grinned.

"It's a wonder a guy like me got a girl like you anyway, Jess."

"Mhmm...but I think I'm the lucky one."

"Naw, I'm the luckiest guy in the world," he whispered while giving her that smile of his she loved so much.



"Do you really love me?"

He gently took her face in his hands so he could see her. When he spoke, his eyes shone with promise, "I promise, no matter what happens, I'll always love you."

"Forever?" she inquired.

"Forever," he leaned down and kissed her.

Her world had shattered. Emotion after emotion flooded her mind; hate, anguish, sorrow, regret... Finally, her vision clouded with tears. She couldn't see anymore, could barely feel... And then she decided something.

She would have her revenge, even if it killed her.

With a sudden agility she never thought she possessed, Jessica kicked Blackdeath's shin, and snatched up her pendant. Without missing a heartbeat, she put it around her neck as Gary and Blackdeath realized what had happened.

"Grab her!" Blackdeath commanded, limping. Gary lounged at her, fingers outstretched, but just before his flesh made contact with hers, a blinding green light exploded from the pendant.

Gary yelped and leapt back in surprise, his hand looked singed. Seeing this, Blackdeath suddenly jumped into the portal with his stone. Jessica screamed in outrage.

Jessica didn't even need to speak; it was as though the pendant read her every thought. In a voice that sounded much too powerful to be her own, she yelled.

"You shall pay!"

Light shot from the pendant, and a magical wind lifted her hair, adding to her ferocious blood-stained appearance. She'd deal with Gary, and then go after Blackdeath.

"Gary Fisher! May you never set foot on this land again!" she screamed, the wind began to pick up and howl mercilessly.

Dust and wind surrounded them in a mini hurricane. Lightning flashed, and struck Gary once, twice, three times. Jessica watched as he was thrown back, and then surrounded by a wall of stone.

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