Chapter 11: Dark Legends

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Chapter Eleven, Dark Legends

As the weeks past, Jessica became more and more aware of the whispers of, "Don't they make a cute couple?" and, "Do you think John would cheat on her?", and "I heard that he's just as crafty as his brother, he's only using Jessica."

At first she paid no attention to it, "Let them think what they want too." She'd say to herself. But lately, John hadn't been acting the same. He talked to her, but he seemed uncomfortable around her, and he was always fidgeting.

Jessica was pulled from her train of thought by a voice. She snapped back to reality, she was in class, and needed to concentrate.

"So is that a yes or a no?" John asked.

"What? Oh, sorry I was thinking of something, could you repeat that?"

"Uh, ok I was wondering if-" John stopped in mid sentence as a paper airplane hit his head. He muttered something and unfolded it. There was a picture of him, and another girl with large hearts drawn all around them. John's face flushed bright pink as he glanced behind him at two girls who were giggling and waving. "

"Gigglers." The most idiotic type of girl on the planet. One might think they have no brain. The only thing that matters to them is boys, and make-up and their hair." Jessica observed gritting her teeth.

* * *

The next past weeks went by in the same matter, no more one on time with John. He always seemed to be busy, and Jessica hardly saw him. What had happened? Was it merely a week ago that they had been watching the sunset together? What had happened?

As Jessica was walking a girl pulled her aside and hissed, "Isn't that your boyfriend over there?"

Jessica nodded and the girl gave her a sad look before leaving the class room. She saw what the girl was pointing out; the "Gigglers" were busy talking to John. They keep smiling at him. It was sickening. Jessica was a little peeved, but she didn't hold a grudge. This wouldn't happen all the time, and why should it? But the next few weeks went by in the same matter everywhere she looked the "Gigglers" were by John, talking to him, more and more. A rumor was even spreading, that John favored the "Gigglers" over her. Some even said they'd seem him kiss one of the "Gigglers." Jessica became more and more uneasy around John. What if the rumors were true?

* * *

John had woken early, and decided to go for a walk to the field of flowers he'd shown Jessica. The first week of school had gone well, but he was glad it was the weekend.

It didn't quite know why, but things between him and Jessica had gotten sort of awkward over the week. Some rumor was going on in school that Jessica and he were going to break up. He told everyone that asked him the same thing, that he had no intention of breaking up with Jessica. However another rumor, which he was trying to put an end too, was that apparently, he liked another girl instead of Jessica. It even turned out that after their little "conflict" with Gary, some people were saying he was just like his brother; a killer.

"Why do they spread rumors that aren't true? I'm not breaking up with Jessica, why would I?" He thought.

Jessica didn't talk to him much either, he was beginning to think she was mad at him.

John was almost at the field, the sun was just rising, and it was a marvelous sight.

The tree's leaves were lit up golden, and the grass sparkled with dew.

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