Chapter 13: Into the Forest

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Chapter Thirteen, Into the Forest

John lay on his back in bed. He was already dressed, but despite lying around, his brain was working vigorously.

"How could I have let this happen? What if she's hurt? How am I supposed to wait until all the help is ready, when she's in danger? What is that Alexander creep doing to her? What if we don't make it on time, and he..." John shuddered at the thought of what could happen if they found the star-shaped pendant.

The door creaked open, and Matt and Lindsay stepped into the room.

"John, we've decided that there is no possible way for us to wait so long before we can help Jessica; we're ready to do what ever it takes to get her back." Matt said.

"I have a plan too," Lindsay started, "I still have the headband Jessica was wearing the day they captured her, with the imps' scent on it. You're a wolf John; you can sniff out her scent."

John's eyes lit up and he sat up, "That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Gee, I don't know, because guys are clueless?" Matt said, imitating Lindsay's voice.

Lindsay flicked Matt's head, and then continued, "I don't know how long we're going to be out looking for Jessica, so what we need to do is pack. We leave tonight after dark."

John nodded, "Thanks guys, I'll see you at midnight."

The hours went by quickly; John went to class, and the news of Jessica's disappearance spread through the school like wild fire. Finally dinner ended, and John went to his room.

"Hey Matt, are you almost done packing?" John asked him, eyeing the large backpack.

"Yeah, just about, you better get started though Johnny, Lindsay is going to meet us outside the school soon." Matt replied.

John set to work right away, packing everything he could think of he'd need.

It was finally curter to twelve when John finished packing.

Matt and John slipped silently out of their room, and began walking without making a sound.

As they rounded a corner, Matt suddenly stopped dead in his tracks; and flattened himself against the wall.

"John! Get against the wall, quick!" he hissed at him.

John immediately pressed himself flat against the wall and held his breath.

John heard voices a few seconds later.

"It is a shame about that Jessica girl; it must be terrible for her friends."

"I know, at least they're doing what they can; they're going on an emergency search for her. It's a shame though; that the troops won't be here for about a week." A second voice said.

The people continued talking for a while, and then their voices slowly faded away.

John let out his breath, and Matt cursed; "Stinking prefects!"

The boys continued through the school, and out the main doors were they saw Lindsay emerge from behind a tree.

"Matt! John! What took you idiots so long? I've been here for twenty minutes!" She hissed angrily at them.

"Gee, sorry Mom." Matt said, rolling his eyes.

Lindsay shot him an annoyed glance before continuing, "Ok, so we know she was last seen at the field, right?"

"Uhh...right?" Matt asked.

Lindsay rolled her eyes at him, "Matt weren't you paying attention the other day?"

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