Chapter 12: Escape!

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Chapter Twelve, Escape!

In Jessica's sub consciousness, she could just make out that some one was poking her arm. She moaned and batted the arm slowly, hoping Matt would leave her alone.

"Matt...stop it..." Jessica mumbled keeping her eyes closed. The thing poked her arm again, quite vigorously this time. Jessica's eye lids were so heavy...she didn't want to get up... "If only Matt would leave me alone and let me sleep... I'm so...tired..." She thought.

Suddenly a voice quite unlike Matt's hissed in her ear, "I'm not "Matt," and Ms. Thompson, and it would be in your best interest to get up..."

Jessica's eyes popped open at the sound of the voice. Red eyes stared unblinkingly at her. Jessica screamed as she remembered what had happened, the fight with John, running to the field of flowers, the imps... and, "Stay away from me!" Jessica screamed at Alexander. He grinned at her coldly, revealing long pointed fangs protruding from his mouth.

He laughed at her, "Why don't you try and make me stay away from you Ms. Thompson?"

Jessica narrowed her eyes at him, and then gasped as she realized her hands were tied above her head, and fastened firmly against the wall. She kicked at him, but he jumped out of the way with outstanding agility. He smiled at her again, revealing his pointed fangs.

He walked closer to her and ran a cold finger under her chin, then punctured her skin. Jessica shrieked as a thin layer of blood trickled down her neck. Alexander's eyes lit up and he smiled. "It's a shame; your blood does look ever so fresh..." He mumbled as he caught a drop of blood on his finger.

He grinned at her and then licked his finger; his eyes flashed a bright red colour. He seemed to be struggling with himself for a second, and then he righted himself, as his eyes turned a dark red once again.

"It's a real shame Ms. Thompson... a real shame indeed." He said before turning on his heel and walking out of the room which Jessica was imprisoned in.

Jessica surveyed the room; it was bare, except for a few shackles on the far side of the wall, and the heavily bared cell door. Jessica shuddered, and began to cry. "What's going to happen to me now?" She wondered.

Suddenly, the cell door creaked open; and a blood-red imp marched inside.

It grinned at her evilly, and then spoke. "Alexander has requested dinner with you Ms. Thompson. You shall be released, but be forewarned, should you try to run away, the consequences shall be dire." The imp grinned.

It then released Jessica from her shackles. Jessica rubbed her wrists, as the imp lead her through various corridors, into a large dining hall. Alexander was seated at the end of a large table and gestured for Jessica to sit down next to him. Every inch of the table was covered in food.

The imp bowed, and then scurried out of the room.

Jessica stood where she was, confused. "Ok, I get captured by a vampire, and now he's treating me to dinner?" She thought this was quite absurd.

Alexander smiled and patted a chair beside him, "Sit my dear... let us discus a few matters over dinner, mhmm?"

Jessica still didn't move, she knew better than to trust Alexander. She crossed her arms and stood her ground. "I refuse to eat with you. Plus, I'm not stupid enough to eat food that you've poised, or done something else with."

"Oh, is that so darling? Well you don't have to eat... we do have to discuss a few issues though."

"I refuse to have anything to do with the likes of you." Jessica said, narrowing her eyes at him. Alexander studied her for a moment, and scowled. "Fine, we'll do this the hard way." He snapped his fingers, and immediately, twenty imps ran into the room armed with various deadly weapons.

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