Chapter 26, Homeward Bound

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Chapter 26, Homeward Bound


Can't she give me five more minutes? I'm not ready to get up for school yet...

"Jessica, you need to wake up!"

No, actually I don't. It won't hurt to skip one day of school.

"Jessica, you did it, you destroyed the stone!"

That got her attention. Jessica opened her eyes and saw her great-great-great-great grandmother. Her grandmother ran to her and hugged her tightly, "I'm so proud of you."


"Yes! Thanks to you, the last bit of the old dark magic is gone from the world forever. Thank you."

"You're welcome...I guess?"

Her grandmother smiled at her, "Now, I think you need to wake up for real this time, Jessica. Your friends are waiting for you."


"We've already been...through this...I know...I'll wake up later," Jessica mumbled, wondering why her grandmother was bugging her for a second time.

"Matt, move already," an impatient voice said.

"Oi! I'm just checking to make sure she's alright," answered a familiar voice.

"Oh, shut up guys, she's trying to sleep," a third voice answered.

The sound of a door opening and closing interrupted the flow of voices momentarily.

"Is she awake yet?"

"She's beginning too. I don't see why we can't just let her sleep. The dumbutts over there keep trying to wake her up."

There was a chuckle. Then, "Well, she needs to wake up sometime. That portal won't last forever-"

Jessica sat upright abruptly, startling Matt and Tom. She had the biggest headache of life. Deciding against her actions, she lay back down.

"Ugh, my head..."

"I told you we should have let her sleep!" Lindsay yelled.

"Shh, Lindsay, she has a headache. She's tired," Matt whispered softly giving Lindsay a mischievous look.

"Oh, you little-"

"Alright, Alright, enough," Henry laughed.

Jessica looked around, and spotted Marie, Jasper, Tom, Lindsay, Matt, John, and of course, Henry himself.

"What happened-" Jessica began.

"-there was this huge explosion, and a flash of bright light, and then the storm stopped abruptly, and the stone kind of disintegrated-" Matt was cut off by John.

"-and then Blackdeath just."

"-crumbled into dust, just like his stone," Matt finished.

Both boys grinned cunningly at Henry, whose long-winded explanation they had undoubtedly ruined.

"Well, that pretty much sums it up," Henry muttered, "Oh, and Gary's been sent to prison for life. He won't be getting out anytime soon, it's been heavily guarded this time."

"How'd we even get back here?" Jessica asked.

"Henry was able to resurrect that portal, because some of the magic was still there, we just couldn't see it. Then we followed your tracks to the other portal, and we got to the valley. I don't know what the hell you did, but there was this massive fissure and blood and ash everywhere-" Jasper began.

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