Chapter 6: Explanations

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Chapter Six, Explanations

John awoke to find himself in his bed. Matt was sitting in a chair nearby looking serious and scared for the first time John had known him. Jessica seemed to have been crying a lot judging by her red eyes. Lindsay was trying to comfort Jessica who was still crying.

"Why are you crying Jessica?" John asked weakly.

"John! I thought you were going to die!" Jessica yelled before running over to his bed and hugging him tightly.

"Ow, careful." John moaned.

"Oops, sorry John." Jessica said apologetically.

"John? You're awake? You scared me, man." Matt said sounding uncharacteristically serious and walking over to his bed side.

Lindsay walked over too, "How are you feeling John?" she asked concerned.

"Well I'm ok, just my chest hurts a lot. What happened anyway?" John asked.

"Well, Gary disappeared just as he sent a black lightning bolt at Matt." Lindsay said quietly.

"I probably would have died too, that blast was aimed at my heart; you saved my life Johnny," Matt said gratefully.

"After the blast hit you, you fainted." Jessica managed to choke out before bursting into tears again.

"Guys, I'm going to take Jessica to our room for a bit, I hope you feel better soon John." Lindsay said before gently pulling Jessica away from John and Matt's room.

"Wow, Jessica sure is upset." John said propping himself up on his pillows.

"Yeah, after you fainted she went hysterical." Matt said quietly. A few minutes passed before Matt asked, "Johnny, you do realize why she's so upset don't you?"

"Well, I'd be upset too if one of my friends almost died." John said.

"Yeah, that's only half of it though." Matt said so quietly that John almost didn't hear him.

"What do you mean?" John asked confused.

"...Nothing, just get some rest Johnny." Matt said before walking out of the room slowly.

Meanwhile, Lindsay had some how gotten Jessica to their room, and they were both sitting on the bed while Jessica sobbed. "Jessica,...?" Lindsay asked carefully.

"What...?" Jessica sniffled.

"Do you have a crush on John?" Lindsay asked slowly. Jessica stopped crying and stared at her dumbfounded.

"How did you know...?" Jessica asked quietly.

"I can tell silly, girls know these things about other girls." Lindsay replied smiling.

Jessica had secretly liked John ever since the night at the campsite, when she had first met him. She had been careful not to think about him when Matt was around, due to his mind reading abilities.

But when he dived in front of that lighting bolt to save Matt, she couldn't help but worry tremendously about him. She'd cried as soon as he was hit and despite her wounded arm, which was healing nicely, could only think of weather he was going to be ok or not.

"Does he know you like him?" Lindsay asked pulling Jessica out of her train of thought.

"No, of course not," Jessica replied.

"We should go with the boys and talk to Henry." Lindsay said after a few moments of silence.

"But John shouldn't be walking in his state." Jessica reminded her.

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