Michael The Pitiful Child

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I did some research. About the Squip, that is.

Now, as much as I was mad at Jeremy for willingly taking the upgrade and cutting me out of his life, I wanted my friend back. No matter how annoyingly tall and obsessed with Christine Canigula he might be. Not that I cared about that...

The Squip took pride in the person it was inhabiting and its work, a little bit to much to the point in which he begins to be a bit controlling. That, I could already tell.

And as I dug deeper, I came to the conclusion that this pill was definitely banned for a reason. I had already seen what it had done to all my peers, and what my peers do with that quantum nano technology CPU inside of them. It's absolutely insane.

Green Mountain Dew activates the Squip, that we know. But what we didn't know before is that Mountain Dew Red deactivates the Squip. So you know what I did? I bought a butt load of Mountain Dew Red because my school really needed some saving. Even if it was from a kid who they all took part in bullying.

But before I do anything of that sort, I needed to talk to Jeremy's dad.

Sadly, though, there was an interruption.


"Yeah, Mom," I silently cursed myself for picking up the phone.

How are you doing, sweetie? Is that Jeremy kid still in the house?

Shuddering at the thought of Squip infested Jeremy in my house, I denied it quickly. "No, Jeremy's not here."

Aww, that's too bad. You guys were cute together.


You're right, I'm sorry. Sheesh, can't a woman just speak her mind. Anyway, we've got a bit of bad news, your mother and I.

Concern flushed into my mind, I thought of all the possibilities the bad news could be, trying not to settle on the worst. "Are you guys okay?"

Yes, we're fine, Michael. But we're going to have to stay here for an extra week so you'll have to suffer through more noodles and other things.

"It's okay, Mom. But I should get going," I was happy the news wasn't bad but I needed to get to that play.

What's going on? Are we missing a major event?

"No, there's a school play and J-Jeremy's in it. I'm going to watch it."

Isn't that cute? Your mother said that's cute, Michael. Are you sure you two-

"Ha ha, very funny guys. I really have to go, it's starting soon," saying quick goodbyes I hung up the phone.

First stop: Jeremy Heere's

Edit: Ahhh I'm so sorry I wrote this so so so sO long ago, so I had to change father to mother cuz my baby has two mothers 👏🏾😌

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