Sneek Peak

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Something short to prepare you guys (if you decide to read it) of what's stewing up in book 2.

Bax walked into his house quietly, already spotting his father on the couch, passed out from so much liquor. That was apparent as many opened and empty bottles littered the floor and the man was snoring louder than usual. The downside of having his father asleep was that it was very easy to wake him up. While accidentally bumping into a table, the man woke up with a start.

The blond boy stood still, overridden by fear as his dad's glare landed on him, "I-I completed the mission, sir."

"Well you did a crappy job at it," he commented, taking a swig of his drink. "Just like your mother, always doing what she wanted to do. Not sticking to script. Tch."

"I'm sorry, sir, there was some unexpected-" Bax attempted to explain himself but was cut off.

The man stood tall, easily over powering his muscled son seeing as he was stronger. "It's your carrier, isn't it? Needs to be destroyed, causing too many problems to this family."

The blond held back his words as he highly disagreed with the word 'family' being used in this instance.

"Do you like that filthy human?" His father spat. He didn't answer immediately, causing the buff man to get angry and throw a bottle at him. Luckily, he ducked fast enough, but his cheek got nicked. "Answer me. Now."

"No," Bax lied through his clenched teeth.

"No what?" His dad asked. The freckled teen stood defiantly, having enough of the horrible treatment he was given.

This was a bad decision on Bax's behalf because his father grew severely angry.

The boy was cut once again as his dad grabbed him, holding him tightly with a beer bottle in hand. Screams and yells erupted from the Bax as the man pushed the freckled child onto the ground, kicking him with force. Bax fought against him slightly, scared to get in trouble if he lashed out properly, but it was no use as his parental figure punched him lazily and powerfully.

The man couldn't seem to stop, despite Bax, his own son, crying out on the floor. Tears streamed down his swollen face but not because it hurt.

Bax was crying because he knew what was coming next.

Here's the cover for now since I'm trying different ideas for the next book, aye:

Here's the cover for now since I'm trying different ideas for the next book, aye:

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