You Venture The Bathroom

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Cuz I'm :) Depressed :) And life :) Is pain :) - Hahaha I'm sorry but that's got to be my favorite thing that George Salazar has ever sang. The sarcastic smile was my life oml.

Sorry for disappearing. Sorry sorry sorry. I got caught up in a different fanfic I was reading and I am so completely and utterly obsessed that I almost forgot about this story.

"Go to sleep," I urged with a hint of annoyance. Bax had been smothering me with all kinds of TLC and it was getting to be too much. He had stuck me on a couch besides him, watching a movie while he asked questions that were so obvious but he didn't know since he wasn't a human and wasn't accustomed to human culture.

Bax was tired, that was what was obvious considering he had bags under his eyes and kept yawning quietly. But he didn't want to go to sleep, blaming it on the fact that he had to take care of me but we both knew that wasn't true.

"See, this is the scene," my blond headed friend pointed at the screen and paused the movie. "What is that called?"

The image depicted small girl who was being hit by an older woman, there had also been bruises and cuts on the girl prior to the beating she was getting at the moment. "That's abuse," I answered simply.

My eyes trailed over his visible skin seeing faint bruises and small puckered up cuts, Bax kept his eyes on the screen, his face passive.

"Are-are you-" I began to ask. But he just un paused the television, causing the noise of the girl's shrieks to drown out my own voice.

After a while of watching the movie, Bax screwed his eyes shut, not enjoying the current scene. I snatched the remote and changed the channel quickly, something I should've done earlier seeing how hard the program had hit him.

"You can open your eyes now," I coaxed, but his eyes stayed shut. His breathing grew deeper and his body wasn't tensed. "Uh, that's cool, too."

Making sure Bax was actually sleeping, I slipped away from him and hobbled into my room, slipping into the costume he made for me. Guess what it was?

A Hogwarts uniform, but Bax edition.

So as I wore the costume it showed of curves I never knew I had and made me seem like some Victoria's Secret model. I silently cursed at my friend who was sleeping for making me such a revealing costume, but it was all that I had to wear and I certainly wasn't stealing any of Bax's clothes.

I tiptoed (practically hobbled) past Bax on the couch, who was snuggling into the blanket I gave him. He snored but it wasn't loud and overpowering like I had imagined it to be, instead they were those quiet and adorable ones you'd hear from a sick puppy. And while all of this was true, Bax's expression wasn't very pleasant. It seemed as if he was having a nightmare by the way he clutched onto the blanket with all of his might. Giving him one last fleeting glance, I took the keys and rode away in the Impala.

Once I made it to the party, I didn't even have to knock on the door as it was already open, showing off kids who were having a little too much fun.

I scanned the crowd, eyes landing on Rich who, for the time being, looked hopelessly desperate to leave. Leaving me to believe Juliet had taken a break, but also leaving me to believe he was about to do something detrimental.

My patience seemed to lay off in the long run as an intervention occurred, and Michael Mell was being subject to Squipped-Jeremy Heere's slew of insults.

"I-I just came to grab a drink," Michael stuttered, attempting to act like Jeremy's glare didn't phase him.

"And to talk to me, of course," he snorted, but quickly changed it into a standard laugh, fitting in with the rest of the peers around him who laughed along. "But then, again, I used to be a loser."

Michael said nothing, aware of what Jeremy would say next.

Feeling like this was wrong, I spoke up, "Hey, poser. Leave him alone."

"Or else what? Are you his girlfriend or something?" He asked snootily. I tried not hold it against him, knowing he was just listening to the Squip in his head like every other desperate kid who had one. "Oh, wait..."

Some people gasped at his vague announcement, I watched Michael's eyes grow watery as he looked at Jake and Rich who were laughing along. "You are worthless Michael Mell. You are a loser, and always will be."

Y/N, where are you? Tell me now.

I didn't answer Bax, seeing as he was very angry and that anything I'd say would probably anger him further. That was something I could not deal with at the moment.

"I knew you'd say that," Michael muttered as he wiped his eyes quickly and left the room.

I just squinted my eyes at Jeremy, knowing very well the boy was ignoring me, then left to go find Michael.

I'm not mad, just-just tell me why you left. You're hurt.

This party means more than me at the moment now. I'm sorry, but I had to leave.

I don't care about the party, you can't- Just come back, Y/N.


Why not? Come on-

Because I know that you'll get punished for it. If you don't get this story alright, you get punished and I can't have that extra guilt with me. I'm sorry.

There was silence before he built up his courage again, How'd you know that?

You're my friend, I have to care about you at least a little bit.

Bax had said something about a bathroom in the past, so that was my current mission. Finding a bathroom in which people who were not here for the sake of the parties but more so for each other were not occupying. If you get what I'm saying.

Finally finding the correct bathroom, I knocked on the door that had been locked.

No answer.

I knocked again, louder, only to hear a sob through the door as the bass from the speakers rattled my bones. Loud enough so only Michael could hear, I put my mouth near the door awkwardly. "It's me. Y/N."

A few seconds passed with nothing but silence. No more crying came from the other side. Trying again, I twisted the door knob, thankful to find it open.

Closing it behind me swiftly, I approached Michael quietly, sitting beside him and not saying a word.

"I-I know it's n-not him," he cried. "I've been through this before. You know that. I know that I shouldn't be crying, but it hurts. Because-because-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as he let the onslaught of choked sobs rip through his throat, a saddening sight at the least.

"It's the same, but different," Michael sniffled. I nodded along to his words. "So I'm just so-so scared that if I do something, it'll all change."

For the remainder of the night, I had spent time with Michael, cheering him up. But in the back of my head, I was forgetting something.

As whoops and hollers of good fun had transformed into shrieks, I had caught a whiff of smoke trough the crack underneath the door.

Michael and I looked at each other worriedly, we had both forgotten. "The fire."

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